Boycott Starbucks !!!!

Good point.

See linck in post #3, supra. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I know.

I'm afraid its too late...Putin controls all 2nd and 3rd tier messaging in the US. He controls the minds of all Trump voters. They actually think Progressives like me is causing mass confusion and hysteria when in reality Putin controls Trump and the US messaging....they send it out and the right wing lap it up. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage are all compromised and will never see how they're being controlled ...they can keep bringing up Obama and Hilary all they want the fact remains they're being mind controlled by the Russians ....its pretty sad ..America is on the decline...Welcome to our Banana Republic Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

And once again, Douchie, progressives like you are more than welcomed to make good on your solemn vows (prior to that Eventful Day...Nov 8, 2016) to pack your luggage and leave the country (Canada, wasn't it?) Hey, why not relocate somewhere in Europe...and join in with that "experiment" that's going south in a hurry? Should be loads o' fun.....but hey, you'd fit in nicely and that's the main thing. Since you're so unhappy here in America why not seek out those who are more like minded, right?

You've quoted enuff bovine droppings that have come directly from Maddow, Scarborough, all CNN talking heads, not to mention HiLIARy and Barry themselves to fill a library. So cry me a river if Rush, Sean, and Michael give the flipside message that the aforementioned choose to bury (obviously you listen to them on occasion otherwise you wouldn't mention them, yeah?)

All I can say is Keep Listening, homie.....sooner or later you might learn something.
Wow. Find something better to do. We don't need political BS in Co-ed. That goes in the sandbox.

And I call BS on this. Originally Posted by Alyssa71
What A71 said...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Japjapjap's Avatar
I remember when the "Starbucks dissed some jarhead" chain letter/ post came out. The Amount of butthurt it caused was staggering. I couldn't help but laugh. As an Iraq vet jarhead, I could've cared less. Give me my high calorie mochafrappaloopachoconillachin o cold and quick.

On Another Note...: OP has one good looking pussy.
going to retract your stupidity? nope.. guess not.
I thought all conservatives were leaving when Obama was elected? your lemming thoughts different when Iran was not the hotspot you thought it was?

generalities generally make your look stupid... but keep it up.. no reason to increase your IQ..
Another Facebook junk article...