Yes, we providers have blacklist sites available to us. These sites save lives. Like review boards, there are people that will abuse the process. Also, it's actually against most blacklist sites rules/TOS for Providers to "tell" a client that they're blacklisted, or why. If someone that contacts me is blacklisted for something I consider unsafe or dangerous, I simply respond by telling them that I don't think we'd be well suited for one another. Look at our blacklist sites the same way you guys look at reviews. We only want to know what we're in for. And with that said, I think most know that the majority of reviews should be taken with a grain of salt nowadays. 😊 Originally Posted by AshleyoflebanonMy thing there, is how can a client ever CHANGE what he may have done, to get blacklisted (ie was too pushy, asked for stuff a provider was uncomfortable with, used foul language etc), if he not only ISN'T allowed to know he's blacklisted, but can't find out WHY he was blaclisted.?
If i don't know there's a problem, how can i fix it?
Now i can understand it MIGHT be a safety issue, if say, a client was physical, or otherwise abusive. But how is it 'safety' cause a guy say got blacklisted, for being a no-show? Or cause of his (or her) foul mouth??
Its as bad as my prior work place, saying "cause of our contracts with some of the firms we hire with, if a customer at said place reports you for anything, doesn't matter how stupid, you are off that security posting. You don't even get to know what for, let alone have the right to challenge it"..