Sensual Asphyxiation

I will say that I agree with most of the comments.... I find the thought of it erotic, I am aware of how dangerous it can be, I would never do it in a P4P situation, and if one is going to do it they should only be doing it with someone they know and trust.
So beautifully put. You really are an eloquent writer, Olivia!...... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Well thank you Elisabeth.

As for danger, technique and letting……trust me, I don’t let my lover do anything. He does it. I love it. And that’s that. I suppose there is a real danger, but precious little pressure is necessary to produce the desired effect. Just a little pressure at the base of my throat and a whisper asking if it’s hot for me! And Wow!
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Falls under the line:

Felt so good I thought I was going to die,,,, thought being the key word
Though I agree with many of those that have replied thus far… I must admit, though extreme cautions must be taken & an immense amount of trust must be had between partners, sensual asphyxiation is one of the most arousing things I have ever experienced. Its strange to think my love for sensual asphyxiation came from a *somewhat* traumatic event… Now however the thought of a man *or woman* choking me while I’m caught in the throws of passion just sets me on fire. I honestly couldn’t tell you if it’s the thought of submitting so totally to another human being (as I am dominant in all aspects of what I do; submitting to someone else, for me, is an immensely pleasurable - yet frightening experience) or the loss of oxygen to my brain, or whatever it is that amps up my adrenaline… but I can tell you this much, being choked isn’t for the faint of heart. The human psyche is a very fragile thing & as many have said before there’s never any telling what will bring forth a suppressed memory.

That being said… I believe that everyone should submit to their submissive & fetish desires at least once in their lives. Don’t let the fear of losing your breath for a few seconds scare you off from something so utterly enjoyable.
Unlike many, I have enjoyed sensual asphyxiation with quite a few suitors outside of the RW/RL (real world/real life) lovers scenario. If the trust is there & the excitement & intensity is there… I say go for it! For me being choked is incredibly erotic… I must admit I’ve gotten so caught up in a session (the guy was very “gifted”) that I begged him to choke me… Grabbed his hands and put them around my neck and all…Lol… Kinda freaked him out, but wow was that an amazing “O”… Then again I’ve actually scared a client by requesting this from him… So to each his own I suppose.

+1 +1 +1
EW beautiful thread!
You said it Asia...
I, too have been caught in the heat of the moment and grabbed a guys hand and placed it around my neck...
It honestly gives me a sexual RUSH...Its one of those "you know its wrong but It feels so right" type of things.

I wouldn't mind it from a trusted client...and I'd ABS0LUTELY love it if ASiA was the one doing the choking...
(I've fantasized about her a couple of times)

It would be like....
Okay, off topic...
But, yes...I'm with it
You said it Asia...

I, too have been caught in the heat of the moment and grabbed a guys hand and placed it around my neck...
It honestly gives me a sexual RUSH...Its one of those "you know its wrong but It feels so right" type of things.

I wouldn't mind it from a trusted client...and I'd ABS0LUTELY love it if ASiA was the one doing the choking...
(I've fantasized about her a couple of times)

It would be like....
Okay, off topic...

But, yes...I'm with it
Originally Posted by SashaFoxx
Lol... Sexy Sexy Sasha Foxx... you made me laugh with dueling smilies... Cute. lol. I have had the pleasure of choking a beautiful lady before... I promise I wont be too rough... lol.
**We should go out for a drink sometime** Mmmhmmm
Now we know that many of the ladies have gotten the urge to have a mans hand tightening around her neck......Fellas, have you ever had the urge to choke your lover?

Let's do it...

With both of us always traveling, we'll have to make time for one another...
But, please believe Im game...

It's what comes after the drinks that I anticipate...

Looking foward to rolling around in the sheets with you..
I mean, throwing back some drinks with you...

Mmmm Miss Foxx, youre such a tease!
Cant wait to eat you... I mean meet you. lol

{Check your PMs}

Let's do it...

With both of us always traveling, we'll have to make time for one another...
But, please believe Im game...

It's what comes after the drinks that I anticipate...

Looking foward to rolling around in the sheets with you..
I mean, throwing back some drinks with you...
Originally Posted by SashaFoxx
[[Ooops sorry EW... didnt mean to hijack. **Back on track people** ]]

Ahem... Need I bring up the "Limo Incident"? Still waiting... and I am still +2 on you...

And yes, I can remember many is the times my hands have strayed to an exposed throat while in primal embrace. Especially in Doggie, with her leaning into me and her head thrown back, a mirror to watch her as she peaks...

It is primeval, guttural and the show of ultimate possession. I control the very air you breathe. And something to be extremely careful with. As I do not have an RL plaything, P4P is the only place where I can experience this. And only as I have built an enormous amount of trust.

Find someone, build the trust and explore.

Side note - Oh, oh, oh, Olivia....


Ahem... Need I bring up the "Limo Incident"? Still waiting... and I am still +2 on you...

And yes, I can remember many is the times my hands have strayed to an exposed throat while in primal embrace. Especially in Doggie, with her leaning into me and her head thrown back, a mirror to watch her as she peaks...

It is primeval, guttural and the show of ultimate possession. I control the very air you breathe. And something to be extremely careful with. As I do not have an RL plaything, P4P is the only place where I can experience this. And only as I have built an enormous amount of trust.

Find someone, build the trust and explore.

Side note - Oh, oh, oh, Olivia....

PPE Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater
To hear my lover's sex drowned voice whisper in my ear while he's chocking me, "Does that make you hot." Just s.e.n.d.s me over the edge!
This being my first post in this realm and being an infant (of sorts) to this realm and its activities I shall tread lightly...

My experience with sensual asphyxiation has been completely and totally stimulating for me. It was almost as if my entire body was having a silent orgasm, but as PPE has mentioned in the past, it was my brain that was stimulated first. The pressure on a very erogenous part of my neck created such a mental orgasm that even I am at a loss for words.

Maybe it has to do with complete submission, maybe not...

Maybe it's a Romeo and Juliet sort of infatuation... the thought of two star crossed lovers meeting their end together... maybe not...

I would like to investigate why it is so erogenous though.
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  • MLisa
  • 03-11-2010, 12:27 PM
It is something that I prefer to keep in my r/w relations when I decide to indulge in it ... but let me tell you a story...
it was a long long time ago in a place not far from here.
There was this woman who was exploring her sexual needs/desires/appetites fresh from too many years being "good and monogamous".
She'd met a man via common "friends", they'd spent a long time conversing about their various desires, experiences and frustrations.
This led to them seeing more of each other and eventually going to a local bdsm event. She had a wonderful time, experienced things she'd not even known possible.
The evening found her soaking in a tub of warm water, her new lover came to help bath her, running his hands over her warm wet skin he let his fingers linger over her throat but then went on to other areas. But as she slid herself down under the water he once again allowed his hand to roam to her throat. His grip was strong but not overpowering, he'd remembered her particular interest in a story that involved breath play and also how wet she'd gotten earlier when watching a couple do a small demonstration of erotic breath play.
At first fear and panic flitted thru her mind as she realized he was not going to let her up ... just yet. But she also trusted this person immensely he had already taken her body and mind places she'd barely even allowed herself to imagine (and there were others who knew where she was and that she was with him )
He held her there under the water, watching her face, her eyes as they began to open wide, was it fear or was it the most amazing moment of trust? For her it was both, for him it was the greatest "Gift" anyone had ever given him. This one brief moment led to other deeper conversations and further strengthened the foundation of their relationship.

Trust is not only a gift, it is a treasure and can be, unfortunately broken, sometimes to never be forged whole again other times creating a newer and stronger bond.

So erotic asphyxiation has its time, place and proper preparation but then most things that we find titillating and deeply stimulating all have those aspects as well.
Now we know that many of the ladies have gotten the urge to have a mans hand tightening around her neck......Fellas, have you ever had the urge to choke your lover? Originally Posted by amazingasia
No...the opposite.
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