Car Dates

I do car dates all the time when I am short on cash allot of girls will give me a good car rate. I am short so I fit in a midsized car in the back
seat. She usually rides me good

Also road head is pretty fun too Originally Posted by nyspooner
I'll agree w the road head part but otherwise if I do an appointment I wanna see all the girl do all the activities enjoy the experience. In last 29 yrs did one car date and it was a nightmare
I love car dates. Done many and will do more.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Hobby Escalades with hobby rims are an amenity enjoyed by low volume returning gents whew

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Not relaxing enough.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm not a big fan of car dates per se, although I've done a few. I am a fan, however, of road head/flashing with the provider naked. It's a bit of a mixed bag because the hope is to pass by someone who will appreciate the view, although I'm sure a few folks have unfortunately been offended. Last summer, did a beltway lap with Lisa/Claire and we were driving alongside a larger professional truck (like a contractor's truck/not a semi) and there were 3 guys in the cab enjoying the show and keeping pace. L/C made a point to turn and wave to them. It's not for everybody, and is certainly risky. Still, it is fun. Originally Posted by MajorHands
is she a bbw now?
Lexxxy's Avatar
No thanks, no clue why car dates are getting requested more frequently.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
No thanks, no clue why car dates are getting requested more frequently. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Would comment on this but it's practically a guaranteed five-pointer.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Would comment on this but it's practically a guaranteed five-pointer.

#freemcgregor Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

try the got ta fit in it first
lilylivered's Avatar

try the got ta fit in it first Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Golf cart for a rainy (snowy) day
Carlos Danger's Avatar
No thanks, no clue why car dates are getting requested more frequently. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Not my vibe but there's a provider named 'Lady Nurse' down in my base (D.C. area) pretty well known for it for about as long as i've been a provider (8 yrs).
So there seems to be enough demand for it at least there.
She does get incall from time to time tho.
Some guys like that "even tho this spot is private we could still get caught at anytime" thrill.