This is not a dating site

pyramider's Avatar
Maybe I can offer dinner dates. Something to think about. Originally Posted by Jennatexas23
Is it going to be kosher?
burkalini's Avatar
Just Curious..Do you offer dinner dates? Sometimes guys likes to take a hot lady out for night out in town before they play. Originally Posted by hobbyprojb

Most of us in this hobby know this is not a dating game and do not expect it when we see you. It's the illusion during the time of the session that's really attractive. To be quite honest when you put out a thred like this it removes anyones illusion about you and those who agree with you. It's kinda like having us sign a do not fall in love agreement. We know this. If you run into someone that really thinks it is just handle him on a one on one basis. At least leave the illusion for the one hour or two hour date to the rest of us. Don't get me wrong WE UNDERSTAND!
burkalini's Avatar
I have been thinking about putting this thread up for a few days and I finally am. Why do some guys tend to think just cause I saw you a few times that I am your soul mate. I love the nice things said to me and the great (O's).
I just don't understand why some guys think ok I want to go out for dinner and drinks. Then after they are thinking okay I am getting layed. This is why now I won't see a guy for drinks or dinner just bcd fun. Like charlie sheen said I pay her to leave lol.
I always thought no one was looking for a commitment here hence while I am single. What are your thoughts on this subject. Originally Posted by Jennatexas23
I meant to reply to this

Most of us in this hobby know this is not a dating game and do not expect it when we see you. It's the illusion during the time of the session that's really attractive. To be quite honest when you put out a thred like this it removes anyones illusion about you and those who agree with you. It's kinda like having us sign a do not fall in love agreement. We know this. If you run into someone that really thinks it is just handle him on a one on one basis. At least leave the illusion for the one hour or two hour date to the rest of us. Don't get me wrong WE UNDERSTAND!
RickForFun's Avatar
I am single and have spent time with providers off the clock and was never looking for anything free. We have gone to dinner, parties, even traveled together for a few days. I travel a lot and have had providers ask if they can hitch a ride or go along for a couple of days. Friendships can and do happen even in this hobby. If it does not work for you that is fine too, but don't close you mind and miss out unless you already have all the friends and support you need at home. Just my thoughts
Still Looking's Avatar