Titleist12-14 Ran off with my purse with ID and car keys

To know the story, you’d tell the cops! Haha
But it’s a sad case unfortunately

And call the cops he has way more to lose then you... especially if he is married... Originally Posted by 7aurelius
I stated I’ve seen him before, and the reason he never tried to (rob me) is due to my cameras!! Originally Posted by Exotic_gem

why would cameras stop him.

if he stealing now the next thing he will do is hurt someone with his picture!

people get crazy once they know people know them and their info.

just be careful, he has lots to loose.
I hope I misunderstood: are you saying you vouched for this guy, but you’ve never seen him? If I did read that right, why? Originally Posted by TinMan
She said she seen him once or twice
TinMan's Avatar
Sorry about that, I completely missed her first sentence. For some reason I focused in on “the only reason he never tried me” and didn’t get the context.
Bflexible's Avatar
I sympathize, Tin Man. I also have a difficult time reading many provider's posts, due to jarring grammatical errors and clunky sentence structure.

Sorry about that, I completely missed her first sentence. For some reason I focused in on “the only reason he never tried me” and didn’t get the context. Originally Posted by TinMan
Chung Tran's Avatar
any update? I'm curious why no one has linked his handle.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Fucking douche.

Yes, please call the police. Given that he has your car keys, he could [hopefully] be stupid enough to try to steal it. If they have your make, model, plate, etc, and his dumb ass is driving it, that would be his ass.

Piece of shit, loser ass bastards like this make me fucking sick.
But you’ll have LESS OF the drama if people know they’re are cameras on property

why would cameras stop him.

if he stealing now the next thing he will do is hurt someone with his picture!

people get crazy once they know people know them and their info.

just be careful, he has lots to loose. Originally Posted by BossyWillson
Scribe's Avatar
NOBODY else sees the irony?


Book Smarts = 0
Street Smarts = 1

(Still an awful thing and I hope he gets caught, and his PhD revoked!)
any update? I'm curious why no one has linked his handle. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Don't sound like Management?
Ha! Fucking funny to me

QUOTE=BossyWillson;1060741026]Don't sound like Management?[/QUOTE]
I don't know why people haven't linked his profile either, so here it is:

His profile: Titleist12-14

His posts: Post Count

His Contact: Email him directly.
This fool inboxed me to meet up. (I've met him before) and afterwards, he grabbed my purse and took off running took the stairs and I was naked....lucky my wallet was safe but he has my Id and car keys.

I'm so scared right now.....

Please help!! Originally Posted by IsisTheGoddess

What a little piece of shit!! Isis is such a nice woman and did not deserve this bullshit.

I fucking hate dudes like this. Next thing you know we will need 40 references and a DNA sample to see a provider, because of this kind of poo.
ManSlut's Avatar
I felt this should be linked to his other recent ripoffs.


Again, ladies please do your research.