That’s the stupidest post I’ve ever seen.Wait a second boss. U don’t like the shepherd ???
We shouldn’t waste our time or lose our sleep over some stupid, uninformed, uneducated post like this. The best way is to completely ignore and do not pay any attention.
Hobby on my brothers! Originally Posted by You&Me
This country has always treated Asians like 4th class citizens.
Look up the Chinese Exclusion Act which was enacted in 1882, repealed in 1943 but it's discriminating racist laws were still allowed to stay in effect until 1967.
The Chinese Exclusion Act is the only law ever in U.S. History targeting a particular race and ethnic group of people.
Even Africans didn't get targeted and excluded with such laws.
Guess who started this law in the State and then became Federal:
CALIFORNIA, of course!
That's the thanks Chinese and Asians got from the American man for dying by the 1000's while digging their gold and tunneling mountains while building their railroads.
The American men would lower Chinese and Asians in baskets attached to long ropes, down the sides of mountains, to place dynamite charges and then deliberately not bring them back up fast enough before the dynamite exploded.
A dead Chinese/Asian equal one less person to pay and feed and house. Plenty more where they came from to come to America via San Francisco to work in the West. Originally Posted by CG2014