Is that you Wolfie?I was thinking the same thing. He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's an asshole.
Try to be subtle this time around Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
Since I'll be hoteling it this time around, I can't really think of any good options in those areas. I guess the Marriott or Hilton in westchase, but honestly, I hate being off the beltway. Lets just say I don't have an EZ tag and I have not stopped to pay a toll since the early 2000'sJust work off of Palace Inn like most of the girls do.Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
I know it sounds weird, but I’d do The Woodlands half the time and Ckear Lake the other. I get so many requests and I hate to drive so I decline unless it’s dinner or overnight.In other words, she prefers to stay in the Galleria like a lot of the city girls.
I feel like they’d be psyched to have you in either place. Originally Posted by B Three
If I had the option, I'd hit other areas while you can!She won't do it just like you won't do it because it's too much leg work. The guys who come elsewhere for action in the city are few and far between. And if they do come to the city it's going to be for non-local touring girls. They usually stick with their "local girls." That's how it works in Houston.
Houston is so big that providing in other areas is almost like touring, lol.
It will give guys a chance to see you who normally may not be able to and will also up your exclusivity.
I like B's suggestion of changing it up every few days. Call it your "Houston area tour - limited time only"! It will drum up excitement and probably get you some good business in each area you stay in if guys know you will only be there for 2-3 days.
Damn, I may need to take my own marketing advice and try something similar, lols. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Roll like a ball of bullshit? Originally Posted by allusionfusionillusionDo you really want to go there with SC...I will have your lil ass back in the Pho Soup line trying to think of a new alias once I get you banned. I suggest you stay in the JV league ok WolfWhistle dont bite off more than you an chew. Know your role and play it.
Do you really want to go there with SC...I will have you back in the Pho Soup line trying to think of a new alias once I get you banned. I suggest you stay in the JV league ok WolfWhistle dont bite off more than you an chew. Know your role and play it. Originally Posted by Sistine ChapelLOL, so this makes you a roller?
LOL, so this makes you a roller?On your ass for sure....Soon you'll be upgrading your home modem, getting a new mobile device, and creating a new account. Again stay in your lane you've already made the news once dont make it again. ;-) and I dont believe you raped anyone you "seem" physically to pussy to be able to pull something like that off.Please get a real job. Originally Posted by allusionfusionillusion
On your ass for sure....Soon you'll be upgrading your home modem, getting a new mobile device, and creating a new account. Again stay in your lane you've already made the news once dont make it again. ;-) and I dont believe you raped anyone you "seem" physically to pussy to be able to pull something like that off. Originally Posted by Sistine ChapelLOL, the butt hurt is intense with this one.