
So now it's okay to use someone's name in our posts???
I'm talking about the finally clesed Tally Ho post in the sandbox started by Major Hands aka...... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
What post are you talking about??

I don't see anything?!?!....Poof!!
What post are you talking about??

I don't see anything?!?!....Poof!! Originally Posted by Notuagain
Well DD finally edited the post.
Not sure why Loki didn't do it when he clesed it....
And it looks like the outer has gotten off Scott Free.....
I'll bet that would interest Champagne Brown.... not to mention Wakey….
Well DD finally edited the post.
Not sure why Loki didn't do it when he clesed it....
And it looks like the outer has gotten off Scott Free.....
I'll bet that would interest Champagne Brown.... not to mention Wakey…. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
And Dallas Rain... apparently some people post bread crumbs leading to RL info and get hit with the BANHAMMER and some post actual RL info and don't.... hmmmmmmmm

Go gettem' Pauly!!
lilylivered's Avatar
Paul for modtard
jokacz's Avatar
I didn't see her at the party, so I guess he's not her pimp after all.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Paul for modtard Originally Posted by lilylivered
I hear there is a vacant position...Pauly can apply and fix all that shit he whines incessantly about

Interesting that you've got plenty of time for fucking around, but no time to ban the outter.
Time to put in a call to Wakey.

As for modtarding?
CC asked me a loooong time ago to be a modtard.... and I told him no. Not much chance of YOU having any better luck.

Soooo.... gonna ban the offending outter??? Or continue fucking off and around?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Something tells me that if the member whose first name was evidently posted complained loud enough that the Mods would jump in and squash the offending whore with the ban hammer which Paul evidently would like to see happen. Paul holds internet whore boards to strict codes of character and believes in a literal interpretation of the rules because he's such a principled individual himself.

Looks like one of those cases where Paul may not be getting his way because he's the male lesbian who cried wolf once too often on these stupid fucking irrelevant rules infractions.

I guess this what you get for being the moral barometer in the world of prostitution.
jokacz's Avatar
Something tells me that if the member whose first name was evidently posted complained loud enough that the Mods would jump in and squash the offending whore with the ban hammer which Paul evidently would like to see happen. Paul holds internet whore boards to strict codes of character and believes in a literal interpretation of the rules because he's such a principled individual himself.

Looks like one of those cases where Paul may not be getting his way because he's the male lesbian who cried wolf once too often on these stupid fucking irrelevant rules infractions.

I guess this what you get for being the moral barometer in the world of prostitution. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Just thought I'd make the point more obvious for those of "low intelligence".

Let us know if you get points and a ban, NBT.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Holding steady at 17 points at the moment.

Picked up a flurry a week or so ago.
lilylivered's Avatar
Holding steady at 17 points at the moment.

Picked up a flurry a week or so ago. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Well deserved I bet
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Well deserved I bet Originally Posted by lilylivered
They pretty much always are.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I hear there is a vacant position...Pauly can apply and fix all that shit he whines incessantly about

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
This forum is Moderated by: 3 people: Highwayman64, Loki Pk, DDarkness

maybe you can swap jobs with Highway
Last I knew, he was on a secluded island near Fiji, downing Pina Coladas with SAB at his beckon call....
fuckin SAB.
fuckin Highway.....