One also has to factor in new jobs created by technology that make us more productive overall. So automation has destroyed jobs in nearly every aspect of the job market, from factory workers replaced by a machine to bank tellers, grocery store retailers, etc.
On the other hand, freeing up workers who work in low end, low productivity jobs is necessary to have a workforce ready and available to produce higher end, high tech goods. If our workers were still sitting at looms making textiles, they wouldn't be able to produce computers, blackberries etc.
The point that is being missed here is that the challenge we face today is innovating the next generation of technology so that our workers remain, as they have been since our nation's founding, on the cutting edge of technology.
Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I dont disagree with you but right now, job losses are exceeding jobs gained through technology. So in actuality what the President said was factual, of course simpltons like Deacon tend to leave out words and sentences when they want to take whats said and use it as a political tool.