Encounter: 'Lilli Reznor'...The Inevitable 'Honeymoon Session' With Beautiful Lilli

Why A Duck?'s Avatar
I'm requesting that you delete in it's entirity this review. Originally Posted by under the hill
If you write it here....you own it Originally Posted by tbone2u
Just correcting the order of these posts!
  • pxmcc
  • 08-28-2018, 01:55 AM
under you caught some bad luck lately, it would seem..
blk knight's Avatar
Why the change of heart?
under you caught some bad luck lately, it would seem.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Yes Sir, and Thats putting it mildly lol....Thanks
Why the change of heart? Originally Posted by blk knight
Lots of reasons that just suddenly appeared 'Out Of No Where', AFTER.....AFTER she walks with the money and the GREAT REVIEWS! Deception Unlimited! A Black Widow, actually
blk knight's Avatar
Why not post in Co-ed so she can tell her version of story?
Why not post in Co-ed so she can tell her version of story? Originally Posted by blk knight
Easier to hide here
Why not post in Co-ed so she can tell her version of story? Originally Posted by blk knight
Cause Cold Hearted, Intentionally Deceptive/Devious Actions do not deserve such luxury
The1Slayer's Avatar
Your review ...... and both of them sounded like you were "PIMPING" her out.............. Old man..............

I told you I'd keep my eye on you..................

Underthehill sounds like a PIMP himself............ I'll need to warn the community of his shenanigans......
JJ8901's Avatar
can you retract a review just because the provider won't see you anymore?

sounds petty. move on dude
Easier to hide here Originally Posted by tbone2u
'Miss L' has every right to post her rebuttal in 'Co-Ed',....Doesn't She? But ...'She Won't'.
Your review ...... and both of them sounded like you were "PIMPING" her out.............. Old man..............

I told you I'd keep my eye on you..................

Underthehill sounds like a PIMP himself............ I'll need to warn the community of his shenanigans...... Originally Posted by The1Slayer
Glad you dropped in,.....Let me get this straight....."YOU" are ....Again(Last time you mentioned such lunacy was on OH2) "Accusing me" of being a ...'PIMP'?? Have you considered another trade such as 'Comedy Central' instead of 'Head Sire'?

Before I go though,.....Why don't you elaborate as to 'WHY' you changed your previous 'User Name' of 'Threshold'. Could it be written fully in post/thread at OH2?