I had my ad edited in the worst way, what to do?

NBA - check
Refers to herself as a "bitch" - check
Runs with a low class crew - check
Posts fake reviews - check
Calls a warning being "slapped" - check
Signs up with male handles to promote their self - check
Travels the country - check
Says stuff like " I guess I better stay in pocket" - check

______________ All this equals PIMP OWNED ____________

The reason you don't see black man cuz is not cuz its a "preference" ..... You don't see black men cuz daddy ain't having it! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
you know what it is...

I wonder how reservation minded is doing nowdays... Holi tell 'daddy' I said hi!

Secret, once you place an ad and a certain amount of time has gone by, your option to edit goes away. There is nothing we as mod's can do to grant you that button back, its just how the software has been developed. Procedures call for us to issue infractions and remove your ad all together. Soulman's intention was just to remove the photo which violated the rule without removing your ad completely so that there is no interference with your business. Perhaps you could've asked him to scrap your ad and let you create a new one rather than jump to conclusions
Additionally your infraction was not racially motivated, had it been me I would've issued you one too (I'm not AA).

In your infraction we suggested you read the rules and sticky's to better understand rules and procedures however with you posting what was received via pm it shows that you clearly have not. Please take a breather then come back and read the forum guidelines with a clear conscious. Originally Posted by mojojo213

I think the band wagon has loaded up, I think you guys missed the point she stated, she wanted to redo the whole ad, not have someone eles edit it for her. It's obvious where this has gone.

Now because she asked to edit her ad herself, she has become this , that , and some other things. You would expect some kind of support from other females. (too skinny I guess for the site)

Honestly, as a moderator you could have given her the option of redoing the ad completely.

Racism is on both ends, moderators against provider, the fat sorority crew of Houston and there pimp/moderator.

I Call it like I see it, I won't see the response, so I hope you choke on it!

speak of the devil

thanks for showing yourself... this irony is unreal

we know what it is that keeps Holi skinny, you might wanna consider rehab before you waste away.


2 questions to the mods....

is this wack ass provider allowed to have 2 different handles to advertise under?

and is a leach aka a pimp allowed to have premium access writing bogus reviews?
Since you called me I'm here, all I know is a moderator told Secret her ad was edited, and went further than that, no code of conduct implied, all these mouth boxing matches are for lames. It is what it is, "Haters" worst than police! this website has hurt the game, no code of silence, the street game is a playground to you, until you get spanked.

Be cool !! Squares!
funny how you just stated the PM he sent word for word though mojo removed it... this is getting better and better now that Holi's whole repertoire is here, complete with both her handles and her pimp.
You posted PM sent to secret in an open forum in violation of board rules. Surely you know what happens now...........Nothing like getting out of town for the weekend.

Multiple Handles violations as well.