Just a cut and paste job copied from his betters who got there first. This fucking liar's cost me hundreds with his BS ads.
Ignore this paid ad and everything this bought and paid chungpurlie and his shill friends say. They'll keep fake bumping their own shit ads with all their many fake bought and paid for free pussy troll handles til Kingdom Come. ‘They’ are a pitiful disgusting ugly bloodsucking old clit who can’t get sex or money any other way than this and their social security and foodstamps.
This place has totally gone to pot.
Originally Posted by rampart55
I don't see how a review or series of overly flattering reviews could "cost you hundreds".... If I booked an appointment with Crystal, and the girl that walks in the door either doesn't match the description or the description was more flattery than I would give her, I simply say "no thank you" and either ask for someone else or simply leave.