Encounter: Young Sexy Cutie Crystal at Lucky Haven.. Their Line Up is Filled With All-Stars!

  • chenk
  • 09-11-2018, 11:44 AM
nice review
Lucwitz's Avatar
Just a cut and paste job copied from his betters who got there first. This fucking liar's cost me hundreds with his BS ads.
Ignore this paid ad and everything this bought and paid chungpurlie and his shill friends say. They'll keep fake bumping their own shit ads with all their many fake bought and paid for free pussy troll handles til Kingdom Come. ‘They’ are a pitiful disgusting ugly bloodsucking old clit who can’t get sex or money any other way than this and their social security and foodstamps.
This place has totally gone to pot. Originally Posted by rampart55
I don't see how a review or series of overly flattering reviews could "cost you hundreds".... If I booked an appointment with Crystal, and the girl that walks in the door either doesn't match the description or the description was more flattery than I would give her, I simply say "no thank you" and either ask for someone else or simply leave.
Lucwitz, another of chungpurlie’s calvary to the rescue giving more fake bumps to this worthless copied review? You PRETEND not to be able to understand EXPENSIVE ripoffs from services that aren’t as advertised?
You who’ve complained about the SAME thing so often when its a reviewer you don’t like? Just another biased mask covering the REAL facts and truth.
Instead its just more deceptive BS from the huge chungpurlie calvary to get yet another fake bump.
This site is now just BS advertisers and trolls.
Wow. I’m not one of Chungs shills and I really liked Crystal. To each their own they say. But if I really like her and you don’t it doesn’t make me a liar, it’s just a difference of opinion.
she’s good
TheKing, you may not be a chungpurlie alias despite your posts only supporting them and their spas, but you know damn well that its not a difference of legitimate opinion if the opinion on one side is getting hidden fees and free pussy! This isn't even about the girl its about the paid shill reviewer and all his many aliases. We can't talk about that on here anymore I guess but how many REAL hobbyists WITHOUT aliases and WITHOUT biased paid for fake opinions are left on here???? 5? 6? NO. Its the BATTLE OF THE BULLSHIT ADVERTISERS. The management is in cahouts with them too.
in the end I like to fuck crystal and cum in her mouth
I feel the same vway, Man! I saw her last night, I should have done an hour, and tried for CIM. Does she do that? I haven't seen a review where she did, AFAIK
  • harry
  • 09-12-2018, 02:03 PM
TheKing, you may not be a chungpurlie alias despite your posts only supporting them and their spas, but you know damn well that its not a difference of legitimate opinion if the opinion on one side is getting hidden fees and free pussy! This isn't even about the girl its about the paid shill reviewer and all his many aliases. We can't talk about that on here anymore I guess but how many REAL hobbyists WITHOUT aliases and WITHOUT biased paid for fake opinions are left on here???? 5? 6? NO. Its the BATTLE OF THE BULLSHIT ADVERTISERS. The management is in cahouts with them too.
I give up. NO TRUTH LEFT WITH CHUNGPURLIE WINNING! Originally Posted by rampart55
Bobby is that you?