This is pretty sad... 750??? LMAO!

gfejunkie's Avatar
Of course what the article neglected to mention is that the Obama rally was an invitation only affair. But then based on the bias of the publisher, that is not exactly a surprise. Originally Posted by chefnerd
That makes a lot of sense. Why rent a 7,500 capacity convention center if you know only 750 are going to show up?
LexusLover's Avatar
Opinions are not "information." They are speculative statements based on limited data, and unfortunately the "data" is customarily not "vetted."

Kerry learned that the hard way when he ran against BushII. HillariousNoMore didn't go to school on Kerry's loss and/or her own in 2008, and the "pundits" and "predictors" of 2016 fell right in with them.

The Trump Team (which was primarily family members with business experience early on) utilized their expertise in marketing with which they have used over the years in the real estate business with some cogent advice from pr and advertising folks ... to assess their "market" and establish a "market strategy" ... when Junior made an off the cuff remark in late AUGUST that they (he said "we") like the numbers "we" see on the ground ... indicated to me they had a better handle on it than anyone ... and like any quality real estate investor/developer ... they kept quiet.

The "Republicans" didn't elect Trump. The Democrats did!

That's one reason Obaminable's bullshit falls on deaf ears.

I made the remark in the Summer of 2016 regarding the polling being done that one should be cautious. IMO the "data" was defective and was accepted because it showed what they believed it ought to show: that The Clintons would win again. Bill's a better "politician" than that, but again IMO he lost all leverage with HillariousNoMore! It went back to when he was Governor, and she was going to dump his ass for fucking around.

He made a deal with her ... it was a bad one for him ... but once he got into the WH all bets were off. After she fucked up the first six to eight months of his first term she went to the curb. 2016 was "hers" and not "his"! Go back and listen to his "my girl" speech at the DNC ... nauseatingly shallow and dismissive. "My girl"???? That's another reason the Dems elected Trump!

There are two basic principles of campaign strategy:

Stay within the friendly boxes or ...

... venture into "their backyard" and persuade change.

The first is comfortable, because the reception is. But the latter is more productive toward a final positive result, primarily because the opposition takes them for granted. One hears (if one listens) that very criticism of the Clinton strategy; not only by region/state, but by "demographics." Again, if one recalls Junior talking about his Dad: he was "COMFORTABLE" personally visiting job sites and talking to the workers from bottom up to see if they were getting what they needed to do the job and were happy with their superiors. He was comfortable with WORKERS! All races and backgrounds of WORKERS.

Can you see HillariousNoMore taking the time to talk to a ditch digger or an electrician's apprentice at a job site?

Believing the lame stream media hysteria is risky. Here's their "MAN"!

Hands in his pockets for 8 years!
chefnerd's Avatar
That makes a lot of sense. Why rent a 7,500 capacity convention center if you know only 750 are going to show up? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
And what makes you think they rented that large a room? There are many different sizes of rooms for rent at that site.
Of course what the article neglected to mention is that the Obama rally was an invitation only affair. But then based on the bias of the publisher, that is not exactly a surprise. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Thanks. Who issued the invitations, Nike?

OK, here's a story concerning the speech. He's basically campaigning for four Democrats trying to get elected in Cali. And the media gave him free pub.
chefnerd's Avatar
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks. Who issued the invitations, Nike? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Is there "something wrong" when a former Democratic President has to travel to California to help Congressmen get re-elected or elected for the first time?
I think the Democrats will pick up some seats in the House, but not enough to gain a majority.

The Republicans will also retain the Senate, possibly pick up a seat or two.

The Republicans need to keep former President Obama and Nancy Peloci front and center. The first to remind voters how bad things were, ad the second to remind voters how stupid Democrats really are. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I more HOPE that the dems not just "Don't win back any seats", but actually LOSE seats in both the house and senate.. Make that GOP majority even stronger!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is there "something wrong" when a former Democratic President has to travel to California to help Congressmen get re-elected or elected for the first time? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Only if they’re seeking to flip districts, which is what ‘s going on in CA.
bambino's Avatar
Only if they’re seeking to flip districts, which is what ‘s going on in CA. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How’s it going on? It’s not 11/8 yet.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Campaign is going on.

Today was an invitation-only event to campaign for candidates looking to win in traditionally red districts.

Meanwhile, Twitler’s numbers are dipping.
Figured that Obama's campaigning would be good for a little comedic relief, and wasn't disappointed. Loved the part when be started blubbering about how Trump really isn't the problem; just the symptom of a problem. That is, the folks were resentful of a political elite that didn't give a fuck about their fears or concerns and were open to a radical course change. How often do you see irony richer than that?

Hey, Barack! Who the fuck was sitting in the Oval Office for eight solid years prior to Trump's inauguration? Funny as hell!