Rubio asks DOJ to probe John Kerry’s secret meetings with Iran

It's funny how conspiracy theories are born and perpetuated over time. In this instance, a case of mistaken identity...

"Could it be that the ayatollah's nephew confused Reagan with Carter--and that the whole notion of the October Surprise stems from that simple mistake?" Originally Posted by gfejunkie
These morons think Reagan colluded with the Iranians to steal the election? ORDER an immediate MRI to ensure they still have a bloody brain. Originally Posted by garhkal
Like you two, those so-called "Congressional investigators" wouldn't dare to divulge why "immediately after Reagan's inauguration, substantial quantities of American weapons and spare parts began to be secretly shipped to Iran."
Also, back in the 70s and 80s, Jesse Jackson negotiated several releases with hostile nations. Did he have some type of US credentials that allowed him to do that? Originally Posted by gnadfly

Your credentials to smear Jesse Jackson are as valid as Reagan's.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Like you two, those so-called "Congressional investigators" wouldn't dare to divulge why "immediately after Reagan's inauguration, substantial quantities of American weapons and spare parts began to be secretly shipped to Iran." Originally Posted by andymarksman
Yeah. From Israel, of all places...

"One is the notion that Iran must have gotten U.S. weapons from the Reagan administration in return for delaying the hostages' release. Despite the record of the Iran-contra scandal, however, there is oddly little evidence of any substantial weapons `payoff' to Iran. An authoritative analysis by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute shows that Iran spent approximately $5 billion on arms between 1980 and 1983--and $3 billion of that total went for military equipment from communist-bloc countries. It is true, apparently, that Israel supplied Iran with $50 million worth of spare parts for U.S.-built F-4 Phantom jets in the spring of 1980. But $50 million is chicken feed for swinging a U.S. presidential election. And Iran never got spare parts for its more potent F-14s, which rarely flew during the Iran-Iraq War but which could well have deterred Iraqi air attacks on Teheran and other cities. Only the United States could have provided the parts. Arms dealer Ian Smalley, who made a fortune selling weapons to Iran, says he does not believe that the Reagan administration cut a deal. `If the U.S. had been in the market, we would have been out of business,' Smalley said."

Same source: