Should One Accusation Ruin a Man?

It isn’t going away without a formal investigation.

Period. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It should take about 2-3 hours this weekend if the professor will just talk to investigators without tying their hands.
Cmdr Trump's Avatar
BREAKING: Blasey Ford has agreed to testify next week...But the big question(s) are this: Why is the GOP in such a rush to vote on this guy? The GOP stalled and blocked Obama's pick--who was certainly more qualified with no skeletons in the closet...And: Why are Republicans/Trumpkins afraid of a standard FBI investigation? Americans in general strive for transparency and honesty...And, an FBI vetting is standard for all high level officials and certainly a SCOTUS nominee ... If Kavanaugh did nothing wrong and is cleared by the FBI, then he will most certainly receive enough votes and will be appointed... Like Sessions he claims he doesn't "recall" the high school incident... Trump, the GOP & his supporters believe they are ABOVE the LAW...If Obama had to show his birth certificate and all modern presidential candidates had to release their tax returns---what is the GOP afraid of?The only reasonable answer is: Kavanaugh is lying (just like POTUS does on a daily basis) and the GOP---under NO circumstances--will allow a "fair, impartial" investigation... For those appalled and alarmed by these actions: VOTE IN NOVEMBER...
lustylad's Avatar
BREAKING: Blasey Ford has agreed to testify next week...But the big question(s) are this: Why is the GOP in such a rush to vote on this guy?

For the same reason the dims are stringing it out... to beat the midterm election calendar. Why do you ask questions when the answer is obvious?

Why are Republicans/Trumpkins afraid of a standard FBI investigation? Americans in general strive for transparency and honesty... And, an FBI vetting is standard for all high level officials and certainly a SCOTUS nominee...

You're right, it is standard. That's why this guy has been thoroughly vetted by the FBI multiple times over the past 20 years. They found nothing problematic in his background. The request for further investigation is just another dim-retard stalling tactic to push everything past the midterms. If you sincerely wanted to allow time for a longer "investigation" - then why did you sit on this allegation for 2 months, springing it only at the last moment after the hearings were over?

Yes, Americans do "strive for transparency and honesty"... and it's 100% transparent that the dimotards are being completely dishonest!

If Kavanaugh did nothing wrong and is cleared by the FBI, then he will most certainly receive enough votes and will be appointed...

The FBI can't "clear" him. It's a he said-she said. Even assuming everything she alleges is true (there's no way to prove it), why should it be disqualifying? Hundreds of women have vouched for his good character and integrity - don't they get a vote? Does one discordant voice drown out hundreds of plaudits?

Once again, you dims are lowering the bar for what is acceptable behavior in politics. If this is allowed to stick, it means all future SCOTUS nominees can be blocked by a single, 11-hour unprovable smear. Be careful what you wish for.

Like Sessions he claims he doesn't "recall" the high school incident...

If you believe the accuser, then you should believe Kav on that point. She claimed he was very drunk. Do you recall everything you did at 17 after too many beers?

Trump, the GOP & his supporters believe they are ABOVE the LAW...

Sorry dude, but there is no "law" on how the Senate Judiciary Committee chooses to conduct its confirmation hearings. The dims seem to think it's ok to pay people to attend the Kavanaugh hearings and start screaming and disrupting the proceedings. Is that legal? Do you condone it?

If Obama had to show his birth certificate and all modern presidential candidates had to release their tax returns---what is the GOP afraid of?

If the dims are the party of transparency, then why are Adam Schiff & Co. doing everything they can to block the release of FBI documents and transcripts and texts? What are the dims afraid of?

The only reasonable answer is: Kavanaugh is lying (just like POTUS does on a daily basis)

When all else fails, just call him a liar! Did you learn that from Saul Alinsky? I hate to burst your bubble, but the mere fact that you choose not to believe someone doesn't make that person a liar.

and the GOP--under NO circumstances--will allow a "fair impartial" investigation...

Au contraire. The Republicans been more than fair. They have bent over backwards to accommodate this woman. She hasn't even come forward yet - and you've already made up your mind that any reopened hearing next week won't be "fair". That's the definition of biased and closed-minded.

For those appalled and alarmed by these actions: VOTE IN NOVEMBER...
Originally Posted by Cmdr Trump
Yes indeed!

For those appalled and alarmed BY the way the Dim-retards are leading the race to the bottom in American politics, VOTE IN NOVEMBER!!

Hey Cmdr, thanks for coloring your plea to vote in red for the GOP!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
more whatabout-ism from the left and from the right.

who's cheeseier?
On the other hand, if Senator Feinstein had not held on to this for 2 months, and presented the letter the minute she got it, then all of this would be a moot point

The FBI could have investigated, and if these accusations proved to be true, President Trump could have withdrawn hi name and presented another nominee

Of course, Feinstein knew exactly what she was doing. The whole charade is about delaying any vote untill the mid terms in the hope the Senate flips.

Even a total moran doesn't see this. The question is, do you think this tactic is a good thing, or a bad thing.
Hotrod511's Avatar
BREAKING: Blasey Ford has agreed to testify next week...But the big question(s) are this: Why is the GOP in such a rush to vote on this guy? The GOP stalled and blocked Obama's pick--who was certainly more qualified with no skeletons in the closet...And: Why are Republicans/Trumpkins afraid of a standard FBI investigation? Americans in general strive for transparency and honesty...And, an FBI vetting is standard for all high level officials and certainly a SCOTUS nominee ... If Kavanaugh did nothing wrong and is cleared by the FBI, then he will most certainly receive enough votes and will be appointed... Like Sessions he claims he doesn't "recall" the high school incident... Trump, the GOP & his supporters believe they are ABOVE the LAW...If Obama had to show his birth certificate and all modern presidential candidates had to release their tax returns---what is the GOP afraid of?The only reasonable answer is: Kavanaugh is lying (just like POTUS does on a daily basis) and the GOP---under NO circumstances--will allow a "fair, impartial" investigation... For those appalled and alarmed by these actions: VOTE IN NOVEMBER... Originally Posted by Cmdr Trump
Is that you Yussp
Yes indeed!

For those appalled and alarmed BY the way the Dim-retards are leading the race to the bottom in American politics, VOTE IN NOVEMBER!!

Hey Cmdr, thanks for coloring your plea to vote in red for the GOP!!
Originally Posted by lustylad
and his rebuttal is

On the other hand, if Senator Feinstein had not held on to this for 2 months, and presented the letter the minute she got it, then all of this would be a moot point

The FBI could have investigated, and if these accusations proved to be true, President Trump could have withdrawn hi name and presented another nominee

Of course, Feinstein knew exactly what she was doing. The whole charade is about delaying any vote untill the mid terms in the hope the Senate flips.

Even a total moran doesn't see this. The question is, do you think this tactic is a good thing, or a bad thing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I hope that Kavanaugh gets on the court and wreaks vengeance on the left for the next 40 years. This could backfire on the liberals/commies.