Kavanaugh Is Fucked

How sweet it is.

What's plan "B" after making a complete ass of yourselves on National TV.

Is DiFi on suicide watch?
Chung Tran's Avatar
funny how you guys believe there is a large conspiracy, that For is lying, yet the Republicans say they believe Ford WAS sexually assaulted.. just not by Brett.

he ran like Hell from the idea of a FBI investigation. Bloomenthall, Booker, and Harris nailed Kavanaugh. Mark Judge is hiding in Delaware, no Republican wants him anywhere testifying. all we have is his Lawyer's denial.

and what's funny as Hell, is that the Republicans fired Mitchell early in her questioning of Kavanaugh! she was about to hang him on the fact that his own calendar placed him with 2 of the witnesses Ford mentioned, on July 1, 1982 at a house party! oh fuck! next thing you know, Mitchell was quietly dismissed with no explanation, and Graham went on his tirade. Kavanaugh looked bad, and his own tirade about the Clintons orchestrating this was a disgrace.

I have not read one reasoned response in support of Kavanaugh here, just simple juvenile insults. please step up and defend him, I am listening.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ford did lie.

Ford said she was too scared to fly.

But Mitchell produced proof that Ford lied and flew quite often -- including to the hearing that she couldn't attend on Monday because she was too scared to fly ... but she flew in on Wednesday, after she lied and said she was too scared to fly.

BTW, nobody imagined Feinstein, Booker, Harris, Blumenthal, etc., were going to change their vote, but Kavanaugh defended himself well enough that Flake and Sasse evidently gave the nod to Grassley to go ahead with the vote tomorrow.

Hence, Kavanaugh did a damn fine job defending himself. Put that in one's lib-retard hat and call it macaroni.

BTW, it was the cowardly Feinstein that blamed Ford for leaking her identity to the lame-stream media.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Congratulations, Justice Kavanaugh!
Chung Tran's Avatar
[COLOR="Black"][SIZE="4"]Ford did lie.

Ford said she was too scared to fly.

But Mitchell produced proof that Ford lied and flew quite often - Originally Posted by I B Hankering
yeah, but many people are scared to fly, yet fly fairly often. just like many who fear public-speaking often give speeches. that line of questioning didn't resonate with me. especially considering Ford said she flies when she is going to "fun places".

so why has every Republican copped out, and said they believe Ford is honest, just that Kavanaugh didn't do it? why did they pussy-out, and let Mitchell do their job today? only Graham basically said it's all a lie, a scam.. why don't the others say it? y'all who post here don't have a problem saying it. even Trump wanted to say it, but pussied out at his press conference.
Congratulations, Justice Kavanaugh! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Watching Judge Kavanaugh and the Republicans eviscerate the Dems was almost ast good as 10:00 PM, November 8, 2016.
I B Hankering's Avatar
yeah, but many people are scared to fly, yet fly fairly often. just like many who fear public-speaking often give speeches. that line of questioning didn't resonate with me. especially considering Ford said she flies when she is going to "fun places".

so why has every Republican copped out, and said they believe Ford is honest, just that Kavanaugh didn't do it? why did they pussy-out, and let Mitchell do their job today? only Graham basically said it's all a lie, a scam.. why don't the others say it? y'all who post here don't have a problem saying it. even Trump wanted to say it, but pussied out at his press conference.
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Ford lied so the dims could delay the hearing. Ford admitted she flew home to the D.C. area every year. Ford lied, lied, lied when she lyingly claimed she couldn't fly to the hearing scheduled for Monday!
funny how you guys believe there is a large conspiracy, that For is lying, yet the Republicans say they believe Ford WAS sexually assaulted.. just not by Brett.

he ran like Hell from the idea of a FBI investigation. Bloomenthall, Booker, and Harris nailed Kavanaugh. Mark Judge is hiding in Delaware, no Republican wants him anywhere testifying. all we have is his Lawyer's denial.

and what's funny as Hell, is that the Republicans fired Mitchell early in her questioning of Kavanaugh! she was about to hang him on the fact that his own calendar placed him with 2 of the witnesses Ford mentioned, on July 1, 1982 at a house party! oh fuck! next thing you know, Mitchell was quietly dismissed with no explanation, and Graham went on his tirade. Kavanaugh looked bad, and his own tirade about the Clintons orchestrating this was a disgrace.

I have not read one reasoned response in support of Kavanaugh here, just simple juvenile insults. please step up and defend him, I am listening. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No reflection on her, but the way the questioning was going, so chopped up, she was largely ineffective. Only thing she accomplished was proving the fear of flying was an excuse for delaying the hearing. Republicans showed restraint and respect in dealing with Ford. Democrats just showed their collective asses in dealing with the Judge. If I had a vote, I would vote to confirm. Not because of any of this, but because of his judicial record and history. From what I have heard and read, great legal mind and a very fair judge.
bambino's Avatar
Looks like the Dems are fucked.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What is it about Ford’s hairy stinky puss infected asshole that makes libtards want to suck it?
Chung Tran's Avatar
No reflection on her, but the way the questioning was going, so chopped up, she was largely ineffective. Only thing she accomplished was proving the fear of flying was an excuse for delaying the hearing. Originally Posted by thabear
possibly.. but if you want to say Ford delayed the hearing from Monday until today, that is saying little, in my view.

I see you ignored the other point Mitchell was hammering home.. about Brett's calendar, that showed a party with 2 of the witnesses was penciled in.. after Brett had said he was so booked up with basketball, feeding the poor, and Church. she was suddenly dismissed without explanation right as that point was formulated. every Republican has ducked that angle so far. just as they have all ducked the idea of real testimony from Mark Judge.
I B Hankering's Avatar
possibly.. but if you want to say Ford delayed the hearing from Monday until today, that is saying little, in my view.

I see you ignored the other point Mitchell was hammering home.. about Brett's calendar, that showed a party with 2 of the witnesses was penciled in.. after Brett had said he was so booked up with basketball, feeding the poor, and Church. she was suddenly dismissed without explanation right as that point was formulated. every Republican has ducked that angle so far. just as they have all ducked the idea of real testimony from Mark Judge.
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Two witnesses who supplied affidavits attesting to the fact that Ford's version of events never happened. Two witnesses who were frequently in Kavanaugh's company who supplied affidavits to the Senate under penalty of felony that Ford's claims do not match anything they ever saw or heard regarding Kavanaugh -- and they were close personal friends who were often in Kavanaugh's company. One need only listen to Blumenthal, et al's, line of questioning to grasp why the Republicans ditched Mitchell to deal with the dim-retard inquisitors head-on.
funny how you guys believe there is a large conspiracy, Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Those Democraps on the committee are doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING possible to keep him from being a supreme court justice...if that isn't a conspiracy...what is??
They knew if they didn't come up with something no matter how ridiculous...it was going to be a slam-dunk.
They decided to bring the circus to town... because without this circus he would have EASILY been confirmed...even with all this CRAP... he will be anyway!!
Cmdr Trump's Avatar
Great Job Judge Kavanaugh!
Never did you accuse others of conspiracy, secret agendas, or get defensive ...or begin to cry like a weak, snowflake cuck!

"I liked beer...I still like beer...Dilly! Dilly!! A very composed and dignified testimony... Not once did you lose your cool, get angry, defensive or reveal your overwhelming arrogance and frat-boy entitlement.

Thanks for sharing your love of beer, and knowledge of "Boof", "Devil's Triangle" and other adult terms. You Sir are a man of character who has just as much integrity as your boss...Good Luck!


#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
There only one thing left...
It's all over but the shouting!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAj8jLe_shQ