Petition To Cap Federal Spending...

Educate yourselves, go to:

To find out what the liberal tweekers are so afraid of.......

BTW, thanks to all the leftie posters for keeping this thread alive and giving attention to the web link.
The house passed it and the Democrats opposed it. Cut-Cap-Balance is the only piece of legislation offered by Congress to solve our debt problem. It is supported by 67% of the public. But Obama and the Democrats can't stand the idea of "living within our means" Obama wants to be the big spender and throw our hard earned tax dollars around like a pimp in a tittie bar !

Make it rain Barry; make it rain......
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The house passed it and the Democrats opposed it. Cut-Cap-Balance is the only piece of legislation offered by Congress to solve our debt problem. It is supported by 67% of the public. But Obama and the Democrats can't stand the idea of "living within our means" Obama wants to be the big spender and throw our hard earned tax dollars around like a pimp in a tittie bar !

Make it rain Barry; make it rain...... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Have a format problem. Line them up.

Question 12
Do you think the policies of Barack Obama and the Democrats or George W. Bush and the Republicans
are more responsible for the country's current economic problems?
Base = Half Sample

Total Men Women White Non-White
----- ----- ----- ----- ---------
Obama and Democrats 29% 29% 30% 34% N/A
Bush and Republicans 57% 57% 57% 51% N/A
Both equally 10% 11% 9% 10% N/A
Neither 3% 3% 3% 4% N/A
No opinion * * * * N/A
Sampling Error +/-4.5 +/-6.5 +/-6.0 +/-5.0

18- 35- 50- Under 50 and
Total 34 49 64 65+ 50 Older
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------
Obama and Democrats 29% N/A N/A 29% 40% 27% 34%
Bush and Republicans 57% N/A N/A 58% 44% 62% 52%
Both equally 10% N/A N/A 12% 12% 7% 12%
Neither 3% N/A N/A 1% 3% 4% 2%
No opinion * N/A N/A * 1% * 1%
Sampling Error +/-4.5 +/-7. +/-7.5 +/-8.0 +/-5.5

Under $50K No Attended
Total $50K or more College College
----- ----- ------- ------- --------
Obama and Democrats 29% 24% 35% 37% 24%
Bush and Republicans 57% 63% 53% 51% 63%
Both equally 10% 11% 8% 9% 10%
Neither 3% 2% 4% 2% 4%
No opinion * * * * *
Sampling Error +/-4.5+/-7.5+/-6.0 +/-7.5 +/-5.5

Demo- Indep- Repub- Lib- Mod- Conser-
Total crat endent lican eral erate vative
----- ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------
Obama and Democrats 29% 10% 32% 61% N/A 24% 46%
Bush and Republicans 57% 85% 53% 15% N/A 63% 36%
Both equally 10% 3% 13% 16% N/A 11% 12%
Neither 3% 2% 2% 8% N/A 2% 6%
No opinion * * * * N/A * *
Sampling Error +/-4.5+/-7.5 +/-7.0 +/-8.5 +/-7.0 +/-7.5

North Mid- Sub-
Total east west South West Urban urban Rural
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Obama and Democrats 29% 31% N/A 34% N/A N/A 29% N/A
Bush and Republicans 57% 54% N/A 53% N/A N/A 57% N/A
Both equally 10% 13% N/A 7% N/A N/A 11% N/A
Neither 3% 3% N/A 5% N/A N/A 3% N/A
No opinion * * N/A * N/A N/A * N/A
Sampling Error +/-4.5 +/-8.5 +/-7. +/-6.0

Tea Pty Tea Pty Tea Pty
Total Support Neutral Oppose
----- ------- ------- -------
Obama and Democrats 29% 57% 32% 7%
Bush and Republicans 57% 25% 52% 88%
Both equally 10% 10% 15% 4%
Neither 3% 8% 1% 1%
No opinion * * 1% *
Sampling Error +/-4.5 +/-8.0 +/-8.0 +/-7.0

* percentage less than 1%
Do you support a balanced budget ammendment to the Constitution?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Do you support a balanced budget ammendment to the Constitution? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not one that can pass tax cuts with a simple majority but needs a super-majority to repeal them.
If that is Obama's position; then he and the Democrats in the Senate can make those ammendments to the House bill....but they don't !

Why? Because they don't want a balanced budget !

The liberal (Obama) wing of the party doesn't want to live within our means. They want a nation indebted to others and dependent on the government . It is their uptopian wet dream !
cptjohnstone's Avatar
If that is Obama's position; then he and the Democrats in the Senate can make those ammendments to the House bill....but they don't !

Why? Because they don't want a balanced budget !

The liberal (Obama) wing of the party doesn't want to live within our means. They want a nation indebted to others and dependent on the government . It is their uptopian wet dream ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It is called socialism

btw fox news said tonight a poll will come out tomorrow showing Romny 8 points over the muslim
It is called socialism

btw fox news said tonight a poll will come out tomorrow showing Romny 8 points over the muslim Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Apparently, you have not heard that OBL is dead.

He died on Obama's watch!
Not suprised: Muslims are killing more Muslims than any other group right now !

Apparently, you have not heard that OBL is dead.

He died on Obama's watch! Originally Posted by bigtex
In prior post TTH says: "Here's what I want: You and the rest of the American Taliban to get the fuck out of this free country. If you want to live in theocracy, pack your shit, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, hit the fuckin' road!! Leave America for those of us who really believe in freedom, liberty and the Constitution. I've had my belly full of poseurs" Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You know, whirly, you should repeat that more often. Because he's right.
...It is supported by 67% of the public. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Now THAT is some cherry-picking! What about the rest of the survey, whirly?

Question 14: 64% favored spending cuts AND TAX INCREASES

How does that comport with Republican policies?

Question 18 & 19: 52% think President Obama has acted responsibly during this so-called 'crisis'. 63% think the Republican members of Congress have NOT acted responsibly.

Is that the support you are touting?

Question 20: 30% believe that Obama is to blame if the debt ceiling is not raised. 51% believe that Republicans are to blame.

Think Republicans are gonna get off easy if the ceiling isn't raised?

Questions 21: 66% are in favor of raising taxes on businesses and higher-income Americans.

Are Republicans representing the majority of Americans with their anti-tax positions?

Question 24: 77% are AGAINST cutting Medicaid. 87% are AGAINST cutting Medicare. 84% are AGAINST cutting Social Security. 73% are FOR increasing taxes on oil and gas companies by ending federal subsidies to them. 76% are FOR increasing taxes on business that own private jets. 73% are FOR increasing taxes on those who make more than $250,000 per year.

Would you conclude that Republicans are out of step with the American People on these issues?