Encounter: Jessica wasted my time

  • gmd33
  • 02-05-2019, 02:24 PM
Same thing....pm'd her and she replied asking for two references, which I provided. Never another word....even after further pm's sent.
Had something set up for CR a couple weeks ago. Day of, no word. Sent her a pm a couple days later and she responded that she had slipped, fell and fx her arm? Sent her a note to reschedule and silence.
This is a chronic issue for Jessica. So much potential but such a time waster. Set up a meeting Monday for an hour later and just before the appt she said her mom needed her to took at an apartment and would be back in a hour. Later that night I texted her it must have been a long hour and she said she just got back. So we rescheduled for Wed morn. She confirmed on Tues. Come time for the appointment she was a no text no answer when I called. Nothing. She would be a star provider if she could just get her shot together.