Should President Trump Fire Rosenstein/Mueller/Sessions?

bambino's Avatar
CNN is reporting that Trump asked Sessions to resign minutes ago. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He resigned.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good riddance to Granny Gollum.

bambino's Avatar
Rosenstein on his way to the WH for a 4 o’clock meeting.
Rosenstein on his way to the WH for a 4 o’clock meeting. Originally Posted by bambino
I think he has a meeting every week.

I am beginning to think that President Trump and Rosenstein are actually working together.
I doubt it. If they are it's because President Trump has a figurative gun to his head. Session is gone. New legislators don't get sworn in until January. I have no clue about the guy who temporarily replaces Sessions.

All US markets are up big time. I don't think it's because the House flipped. I think it's because the Senate didn't flip. Trump just drew a line in the sand and said, "if you are going to impeach me, impeach me." The markets said "fuck 'em."

The speeches by Pelosi and Schumer were just sad tried and failed dog whistles. I actually hope Pelosi wins the Speaker position.
It really doesn't matter who gets confirmed. They will not last. Twit head can't find anybody that can stay inside his revolving door swamp of the best people. No wonder the GOP can't address immigration or healthcare. Hell, Obama handed them a great economy and they are trying to fk it up with a tax cut to the rich....I mean middle class lol
  • oeb11
  • 11-07-2018, 04:31 PM

Many people believe Trump or his campaign committed some sort of conspiracy.

The best way to heal and bring the country togther is to allow investigation to complete itself. That is something a price tag can't be placed on.

Let the people see what the investigation finds. If no conspiracy, great. The people will see that.

Firing them will just fan the flames instead of extinguishing them.

From Wikipedia: The special counsel appointment on May 17, 2017, followed a series of events that included Trump's firing of FBI director James Comey and Comey's allegation that Trump asked him to drop an FBI investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn.[28] Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, in his role as Acting Attorney General for matters related to the campaign due to the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). The authority for the investigation is to examine Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, including exploring any links or coordination between Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government, "and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation",[29] and any other matters within the scope of 28 CFR 600.4 – Jurisdiction.[30]

The charge of the Mueller investigation is collusion between

Russia and the Trump campaign. I agree with the post above - the investigation must be allowed to proceed. It has been two years - and so far no evidence of collusion with Russia. Mueller has secured indictments and convictions and pleas for other crimes. There is a difference of opinion on whether the charge to investigate "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation" includes carte blanche to spend years investigating every private transaction Trump or his family have ever made,both before and after election.

That difference of opinion is Party driven, and I do not have an answer.

My thought - Mueller should either bring forward any charges relating to Collusion between Russia and the trump campaign, or wrap it up.

Mueller is not charged with an unlimited unending microscopic investigation of any and all matters Trump. Going beyond the charge and specifically related matters rising from the charge is not appropriate. I am unsure as to the legality of going beyond his charge. I would like to see this matter finalized - and two years seems plenty of time and money. Unless Mueller plans a career in this investigation. Again, a party difference of opinion.

Trump would poorly serve himself and supporters by firing Mueller and ending the investigation. It would be seen as self-serving, and reasonably so.

Mueller- Wrap it up!!!
Thank You - Grean
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Did some one not tell this asshole to use nixons playbook he wil get the same results
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If he had any balls, he’d have done it last week.

But no balls.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Ok nov 6 is over, split chambers like I thought now lets get on with the real fun. Black sat part 2 surely the piece of shit potus wants to follow Nixon so lets get to the fun, ys he has no balls and not many brain cells either I bet he has a this just like Nixon and walks around late at nite eating a big mac and talking to the paintings

Many people believe Trump or his campaign committed some sort of conspiracy.

The best way to heal and bring the country togther is to allow investigation to complete itself. That is something a price tag can't be placed on.

Let the people see what the investigation finds. If no conspiracy, great. The people will see that.

Firing them will just fan the flames instead of extinguishing them.

From Wikipedia: The special counsel appointment on May 17, 2017, followed a series of events that included Trump's firing of FBI director James Comey and Comey's allegation that Trump asked him to drop an FBI investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn.[28] Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, in his role as Acting Attorney General for matters related to the campaign due to the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). The authority for the investigation is to examine Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, including exploring any links or coordination between Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government, "and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation",[29] and any other matters within the scope of 28 CFR 600.4 – Jurisdiction.[30]

The charge of the Mueller investigation is collusion between

Russia and the Trump campaign. I agree with the post above - the investigation must be allowed to proceed. It has been two years - and so far no evidence of collusion with Russia. Mueller has secured indictments and convictions and pleas for other crimes. There is a difference of opinion on whether the charge to investigate "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation" includes carte blanche to spend years investigating every private transaction Trump or his family have ever made,both before and after election.

That difference of opinion is Party driven, and I do not have an answer.

My thought - Mueller should either bring forward any charges relating to Collusion between Russia and the trump campaign, or wrap it up.

Mueller is not charged with an unlimited unending microscopic investigation of any and all matters Trump. Going beyond the charge and specifically related matters rising from the charge is not appropriate. I am unsure as to the legality of going beyond his charge. I would like to see this matter finalized - and two years seems plenty of time and money. Unless Mueller plans a career in this investigation. Again, a party difference of opinion.

Trump would poorly serve himself and supporters by firing Mueller and ending the investigation. It would be seen as self-serving, and reasonably so.

Mueller- Wrap it up!!!
Thank You - Grean Originally Posted by grean
Its been 2 years and nothing but process charges. If they would have found something, they would have found something. Most of the "Russians" Mueller has charged will never be tried.

BTW, conspiracy in and of itself isn't illegal. I collude with the Russians everytime I buy a tin of caviar.

  • oeb11
  • 11-07-2018, 05:24 PM
If he had any balls, he’d have done it last week.

But no balls. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Please provide proof of your urologic expertise.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
he might have small little balls that when can roast like chestnuts this coming holiday season