Tucker Carlson Home Assaulted by AntiFa

  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2018, 07:26 AM
Hypocrisy on the Left!
They are immune to criticism of their hypocrisy , however.
Any non-DPST will be subject to the Anti-Fa mob when, not if, the DPST wins an election.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2018, 07:33 AM
Hypocrisy on the Left!
They are immune to criticism of their hypocrisy , however.
Any non-DPST will be subject to the Anti-Fa mob when, not if, the DPST wins an election. Originally Posted by oeb11
Tucker Carlson won some election?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly Civility and Respect - a lost cause. ( Which I believe is the Issue in the country today )
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Just because a person thinks your speech is hate doesn’t give them the right to terrorize you and your family.

This how the left rationalize their behavior

“You made me act this way”
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2018, 09:37 AM
Just because a person thinks your speech is hate doesn’t give them the right to terrorize you and your family.

This how the left rationalize their behavior

“You made me act this way” Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Tucker can scream on set of his tv show and folks can scream at him while he is eating!

You reap wtf you sow...
LexusLover's Avatar

This how the left rationalize their behavior

“You made me act this way” Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That sounds like .. "The Devil made me do it!"

Those immature, sucklings are making a mistake.

The so-called "leaders" of the DNC should shut it down.

If the report is accurate, they cracked his door trying to bust it down.

That's burglary of a habitation AT NIGHT. Generally speaking that's a felony, and the occupants may be reasonably in fear of serious bodily injury or death with a lynch mob outside shouting shit.

There are some genuine "air-heads" and "Neanderthals" around my neighborhood, but I believe they have more common sense and self-preservation beliefs than to do something really dumb like that. Of course, when they are jobless and living off Mom's tit, they got little to lose and dying is an option. They should be thankful Tucker and his family are civilized and respectful (he says he doesn't have a gun in the house so may be they believe it's a "freebie").
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That is a wife beater argument...look what you made me do to you...again.
  • grean
  • 11-09-2018, 01:09 PM
I agree but having someone shout "Fuck you" to you while dining with your family is not against the law. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, shouting foul language is against the law.
Just because a person thinks your speech is hate doesn’t give them the right to terrorize you and your family.

This how the left rationalize their behavior

“You made me act this way” Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

And that's all they have. THEY FEEL your speech is hate, because THEY declared it so.. Justifying them doing what ever they want to you.

If the report is accurate, they cracked his door trying to bust it down.

That's burglary of a habitation AT NIGHT. Generally speaking that's a felony, and the occupants may be reasonably in fear of serious bodily injury or death with a lynch mob outside shouting shit. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Which is why if it had been my home, there'ed have been some 00 buckshot that would have gotten fired into said mob. STARTING with those trying to burst my door down.
  • grean
  • 11-09-2018, 02:50 PM
I agree but having someone shout "Fuck you" to you while dining with your family is not against the law. Originally Posted by WTF
Also protesting without a permit is also illegal.
  • grean
  • 11-09-2018, 02:55 PM
Tucker can scream on set of his tv show and folks can scream at him while he is eating!

You reap wtf you sow... Originally Posted by WTF
The mob at his house is the issue.
Tucker and hanity lol. Their trump make America great again
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2018, 04:54 PM
This was a planned assault on the home of Tucker Carlson by AntiFa. And videotaped by the Washington Post. Organized to block off the street.
Multiple crimes were committed- harassment, trespassing, property damage.
Why were these "protestors" not arrested?
These are tactics used by Hitler's Brown-shirts in the early 1930's as his
socialist Party took over Germany. DPST's are definitely taking lessons from history.
I do not hear even a sound of condemnation over this behavior from the DPST's.
Thank you , Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Louis Farrakhan, and all the other DPST leaders inciting violence against anyone disagreeing with the Socialist agenda.

The Washington Post is complicit - they had foreknowledge - why else would the paper representatives be present to video the violence.

Any violence- and this is violence - is to be condemned.

DPST apologists for this behavior are secure in the knowledge that those committed to the Constitution will not stoop to such behavior in retaliation.
We need law enforcement to arrest, charge, and give these perpetrators a fair trial for their actions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
stupid question. what's DPST?
Also protesting without a permit is also illegal. Originally Posted by grean

It's supposed to be. BUT the # of times we've seen these pop-up protests, all of which i doubt got permits, yet not one ever seems to get shut down FOR that lack of a permit, OR the times we've seen permitted protests, go OFF THE PERMITTED route, makes me wonder, if that laws ever enforced..