I've said it once and I've said it a billion times: The best way to find a good lawyer is, in order of preference:I almost completely agree with this. That being said, I would add this:
1. A referral from a trusted family member or friend.
2. Searching through a database to find a lawyer who specializes in the relevant area of law.
5,677. Closing your eyes and pointing your finger in the Yellow Pages attorney ads.
5,678. Picking a name from the "Disciplinary Actions" section of the Texas Bar Journal.
5,679. Hiring the lawyer who advised John Wiley Price about keeping a cut of the contributions to his Kawaanza organization.
5,680. Posting on a SHMB. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
3. Seeking the opinion of a lawyer in another field if, and only if you know that lawyer is well regarded by other lawyers (which is often hard to know).
But I have generally found that asking a lawyer in another field if they have a recommendation is better than just pot luck in seeking counsel.