The new Congress and the 2nd Amendment

themystic's Avatar
as if I care
If you choose to handle weapons illegally - it is on your head
BATFE likes 20 years in Leavenworth penalties
For those who take holding a weapon as a serious responsibility - That attitude only gives fuel for the DPST gun grabbers.
Johnathan Stickland is an Idiot. You are welcome to join Him. Originally Posted by oeb11
I thought my quote was from Barry Switzer. Did you think it was me? That's silliness
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2018, 08:54 PM
You own your quotes.
Whoever might be "Barry Switzer".

I will not visit you in Leavenworth.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Guess who this quote is from? "Congress cannot make any law that I give a fuck about that keeps me from carrying a weapon where I want and when I want, with or without government permission" -

Ill give you a hint. Its not Thomas Jefferson Originally Posted by themystic

I'd say u made that spurious quote. good of you not to hog tie Thomas Jefferson over it.

I thought my quote was from Barry Switzer. Did you think it was me? That's silliness Originally Posted by themystic

well you made it, you own it.