A lot may depend on the incoming house, if they go bat shit crazy and spend their time on investigating Trump the article will be correct.
If they stick to business and pass legislation which benefits the country then it may help in the election.
Originally Posted by bamscram
The DPST-led House will spend all their time in Anti-Trump activities. With leaders like AOC, they are already bat-shit crazy - temptation to Impeach Trump is too strong for them to resist - like flies on carrion.
It will keep them out of other mischief - Raising Taxes on everyone except themselves, boondoggle rules and bureaucratic regulations, inserting federal congress" control into any and every aspect of citizen's private lives, and the list goes on and on.
Let 'em impeach all they want - and when conviction fails in the Senate - they will just impeach again. Be my guest - DPSAT's