Maggie B

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Has anyone seen her? I never used this site kept my contacts now going to use this site. Originally Posted by Tom Foolery 007
awesome new handle?

whats the record for dead handles in one thread by the same person anyways?
You should tell me. Im new but been looking you post alot. Do you have a life?
lilylivered's Avatar
You should tell me. Im new but been looking you post alot. Do you have a life? Originally Posted by Tom Foolery 007
Has anyone seen her? I meet her 3 years ago been seeing her she contacts me. It has been some time just wondering.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

Originally Posted by lilylivered
Has anyone seen her latly?
You making fun of OCD's spelling?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You should tell me. Im new but been looking you post alot. Do you have a life? Originally Posted by Tom Foolery 007

well then get in line with the others hunting her
Has anyone seen her? Then all this can close.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Didn't she just get a half ass good review ?
Take the time to call her.. i meet her once and she seemed very sweet... based on public knowledge here.. she has struggled.. come on men check her out yourself..this thread isn't postively a warning.. it's NOT even 100% accurate information.. give her a call what could you lose.. nothing more than you see girls with god you seem to have to see for yourself..

People in this lifestyle do change.. give her a you Maggie B
I don't see a recent review.
elghund's Avatar
Has anyone seen her? Then all this can close. Originally Posted by Natty Daddy
Welcome back.....

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Welcome back.....

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
again ?

Natty Daddy
lilylivered's Avatar
Maggie B Gone?