The story cited in the OP -- which is what this thread is about -- is a bogus mischaracterization of events: a lie propagated by the main-stream media. Your interjecting Trump is off topic and a blatant attempt to hijack the thread. Another lie can be attributed to the lame-stream media, and after the BuzzFeed story, they have absolutely zero credibility. to the trumpkins the differrence between native Americans and Latinos.
You got called out and exposed for your bogus story.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LOl, you want to cherry pick so then you can screech your usual mantra about the media.
Overlooking the ones mocking the native Americans,chanting build that wall, build that wall plus other comments on border security.
If what you posted has any truth and not just one trumpkin covering foe another trumpkin then the old vet showed great restraint.
There must have been some brighter ones who explained to the trumpkins the difference between native Americans and Latinos
They quit mocking,chanting, and some joined the native Americans, it ended peacefully.