Encounter: Angie in the country

Thanks gottahavemore! I need to see her soon, before you rich folks hog all her time lol
BulldogCountry's Avatar
She did finally reply to my text. She sent pics. She's GORGEOUS!

Our schedules aren't aligning this week, so we're going to aim for meeting-up one day next week. We'll see how it goes. It's been a while since I've seen a "non-Eccie" gal. Needless to say I'm a bit nervous. But, as long as at least a couple of Eccie-regulars can vouch for her, I'm game.
I’d have to raise Gotta’s estimate to a buck 25 but definitely has that sexy Latino ‘fills out the shorts’ in a really good way. If you’re really nice, you may get out with a dozen fresh eggs from the chickens out back!! Lol. The Taco Bell dog is really cute too!
I thought boeingguy went for the sex and, all along, it was for those fresh eggs.
Is her SA name also Angie in the Country?
@BC and She's probably spooked by her dang phone blowing up because of us hobbying horndogs!

No. I just made up that name because, well, she lives in the country!! Lol
She sent me pictures in text we chatted a bit trying to work out a dinner date
No. I just made up that name because, well, she lives in the country!! Lol Originally Posted by Boeingguy
What is her display name on SA?
I’m not on SA. Duraman passed me her contact because he’s so covered up already! Lol
I’m not on SA. Duraman passed me her contact because he’s so covered up already! Lol Originally Posted by Boeingguy
Haha. I can't help it that I am not available that much to play. Someone keeps me busy. Here's to you buddy.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
I'm hoping to get with her next week. The last non-Eccie gal I saw was Autumn (before she joined Eccie)... which happened to become one of my semi-regulars.

Hoping things work-out with Angie. She's a lot closer to where I live. So if she works-out and we hit-it-off, I might try to visit with her often, too. Which probably means I'll be one broke puppy this year. lol
Bulldog, you might be one broke puppy but think of all the fresh eggs you will get.
^^^ Hahahahah nice one dura hahah
BulldogCountry's Avatar
Angie and I agreed to meet up Monday morning (today). After a couple attempts to text her yesterday and once this morning to verify we were "still on", she GHOSTED me. No replies.

In my last message, I told her she has until 11am to let me know. If I don't hear back from her by then, I'm making other plans for today.