Encounter: Beware of Natalie!!

Y’all need to stop trusting prostitutes. Use some street sense
Hahahahahhaha, ��
So much irony in the fact that Skip the Games is actually where most “games” are played as guys are being “played”. Games called fake pictures ,bait n switch,cash n dash, armed robbery ,pimped out and trashy ass incall to name just a few. It’s realy more like fucking rip-off Olympics.Too bad testosterone drives guys to fall for this shit I read about on this board every day.Sadly the folly is becoming entertaining.
myren1900's Avatar

I fully agree!
Just skip Skip The Games and stick to verified providers and agencies. It a lot less hassle and safer

I have found a few decent chicks on STG. It's hard to find, but there are a few good ones. It is sometimes the only thing going is some remote places I work.
I had good luck on Cityx when it first started out, but it is now a lot worse than STG. 90% of the ads are fake.