Tell us about the first time with a provider?

TexTushHog's Avatar
. . . a sexy lil' redhead who had great reviews . . . .When she arrived she was even sexier than her pix. To make a long story short, it was the most intense experience I'd ever had. And I've been hooked on the hobby ever since. I'm not sure if I should say who she was, but she is still around. Should I mention her name??
TopCat Originally Posted by topcat19542001
I'll bet I know who it was. I think I saw the same gal!!! If it's the same one, she was indeed memorable.
jdean208's Avatar
The milieu - Fall, 1965, seedy downtown Houston hotel (the epicenter of seedy downtown hotels). Fraternity pledge taking out a stripper from a strip-tease parlor, on orders from the pledge-master. Me 17, her 106 or so. Ten dollar agreed upon fee.

The scene - "Come in, sweetie, take off your clothes, and give me your dick so I can wash it." Sounds like a great way to start! Would not have surprised me if she had whisked out a loupe for the examination. Lies back on bed, opens wide. "Put it right there, honey, don't be afraid or nuthin'. This your first time? College kids. OK, nice and steady... There. Was that good? (chuckles) Yea it usually is. Get dressed, wait 5 minutes or so and leave the guy at the front desk a tip. See ya, sweetipie." She smiles, snaps her gum at me and leaves in a cloud of White Shoulders.

The memory - Undoubtedly obscured by time, perhaps a bit inaccurate.

Any lessons here? - None. Some things have not changed at all. One is that feeling of buyers' remorse and a tiny twinge of guilt, gone by the time I have started my car. Another is wondering how the kid got to be 64. And when I can find the time to find one more terrific paramour, consort, mistress, lover, concubine or just a special HDL. Well, perhaps two. We'll see.