So you're doing the happy dance about counting the years before it becomes insolvent.Yes..if it been managed correctly from the start THERE would be no worries EVER. It had a similar problem in the 1980, there was an adjustment made and almost 50 years in the black..there is no money invested what ever comes out goes directly to pay the recipients..Yes there is , you are showing your ignorance on how the system works.The surplus is invested in TBills. .IT'S a ponzi scheme...there is no pension fund!! wtf are you talking about?SS and Medicare are not in debt.
Like I said the BIGGEST % of the debt is SS.. How can you have a driver of debt if it is in the black? . NOT MILITARY spending. Military spending does not have a dedicated tax revenue. So in regards to deficit spending you take the % of discretionary Which Defense spending is and find out the portion is related to Defense. You then assign the same % to what the interest one has paid over the years to that. ..A BIG 3.5% of GDP...another one of you fabrications!!
It would only work with your logic...people working to 100..There are some simple solutions , Raise the cap from 127k , raise the retirement age. .since their living longer...EINSTEIN!!
And SS would never go insolvent...great idea!!
Run it by Bullosey
The SS debt is the biggest % of the debt and you go on about how it isn't in trouble...please explain that with economic rationalization?? Originally Posted by WTF
Let me try and break it down for the simple minded.
Say there were three brothers.
WTF, tiny and special ed who we'll call bb1961.
Special Ed and tiny saved money since 1986 putting their surplus in the bank for a rainy day. They both had a business that had great cash flow.
WTF liked to buy guns and shoot up shit. His business always came up in the red but he would borrow from the savings of his brothers tiny and bb1961s . Leaving an IOU.
Recently , after almost 50 years of WTF not paying his fair share the IOU were huge. WTF started crying about tiny and bb1961 were not saving enough for him to borrow from ( remember business of Federal tax had not been in the black in a long long time).
Now who the fuck would YOU blame for the budget deficits over all these years? ting? special ed? Or that fucking spend more than he makes WTF?
Why should tiny and special ed have to cut their spending so that WTF can continue to spend like nothing was wrong?
Why not have all three make an adjustment to their respective incoming cask flows and expenditures?