I noted this comment:Like Obummers tax payer investment in "green energy"...GOTCHA!!
"Solar and wind technology requires mining rare earth minerals -- which produces massive amounts of pollution. The U.S. has outsourced those environmental costs to third world countries so that lib-retards can continue to believe they are using "green technology". "
If the barometer that determines an energy source's acceptability is its pollution, than the comparison between solar and fossil fuels is pretty damned one-sided. There certainly has been solid research and reporting about the "rare earth" issues of solar, and also the ill effects of securing the "rare earth" to produce solar panels. But overall the amount of pollution produced to secure, produce and distribute fossil fuels is at a different level altogether -- many times larger. Throw in the pollution associated with USING an energy source and solar wins again. We can make solar even more efficient. Why make excuses about matters that can be overcome, such as the "rare earth" issues, when problems associated with fossil fuels are far more serious and persistent. I would submit that the mining of tar sands oil in Alberta and gas in the Bakken produce pollution problems that are much more worrisome than mining for rare earths needed to produce solar panels. Problems related to just distributing raw fossil fuel products pose challenges that often result in massive spills and deadly explosions. It's inevitable that we'll move away from fossil fuel dependence, and, in fact we already are. I applaud increased momentum to do so. On that issue of government subsidy: The full accounting of subsidy support for fossil fuels reveals the massive public support given to fossil fuels. This cannot be disputed, even by fossil fuel supporters. The argument over our energy future hinges on what's best for public health and the health of our environment. Originally Posted by agrarian