Encounter: Brand-new PERFECT and rare unicorn Catholic nympho spinner at Blue: Expert Lover, 21 yrs old, pretty, fit & tight, 90 lbs (w/ compliant pics here & noncompliant nude action shots avail to friends upon request)

Stevensegal's Avatar
Thanks Bobby. I actually stopped by Blue today to see MIA. Your review and pics are much appreciated. I asked the house mom who is there? She didn't offer to tell me about this beauty, so it is news you can use.
As always great review bobby. It’s good that there is a young new girl to quench my thirst.
Heavy's Avatar
  • Heavy
  • 02-14-2019, 08:03 PM
Thanks for another great review Bobby. I guess haters will hate no matter how great the info provided is. Dont ever let them deter you from keeping us informed.
For some strange reason they complain but dont input, I dont get it

P.S. If it's not a bother I would like to see the non complaint pics please?
She looks great! If possible, may I see the other pics for her please?

Also what is her English and iop like? If u can compare her personality and iop to other providers, who would you compare her to?
Awesome review, hit me up with those pics!
You are on roll, Bobby. I am still trying to decide poo n which one to visit based on your previous encounters and then you come up with this one!!! If only I could drop everything and get to Blue at this moment.

Great post Bobby. Excellent review and pics. Enjoyed reading it and hopefully will equally enjoy my experience with Perfect. Thank you for keeping us aware of the newest entrants. We are really spoiled in Dallas
Swang84's Avatar
Ty to Bobby for another great review ... got me on the Dallas AMP bandwagon ... another solid one dude
Great review Bobby! It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Blue. It is a “Perfect” time to make my way over there.
BigBamboo's Avatar
Good review... but she’s not in the same league as Cici in terms of looks.
Pics please, cleaned out my inbox, lol
I'd like to see the rest of her too
I’ve got some beachfront property in Dallas you might be interested in Originally Posted by slap
No shit!!
Would like to see those pictures, i sent you a pm earlier
Blubbster's Avatar
Would love to see the pics as well, if possible. Driving to Dallas tomorrow! Haha!
Longneck's Avatar
Another awesome review, Mr. Mann! You're killing me, I need to change a flight and have another lay over in the big D LOL. Again great awesome review buddy.