WHEN... is it time for a PROVIDER to quit?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Its damn sure not gonna be when you think she should quit....
pyramider's Avatar
... usually after a session with EA the retirement thoughts surface ...
When it becomes a job. You hate it, dread it, and can't stand to do it anymore. Quit. Go find something else. Always remember "I was looking for a job when I found this one." Many of us here work in the construction industry and always have to find new work knowing it is going to end one day. Granted we have transferrable skills, but so do providers. Noe you may not make the money you want. Or the job you want, but if you are miserable, do something else. If any body read the thread on 4 July about the bitter ex-provider, she had needed to quit a long time ago.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I'd like to know why you mentioned my name in this topic?
Must be the numerous times I've told you NO!!

FYI: I'm in the prime of my life!And I'm fucking beautiful for my age!! My body nor my sexual desires have yet died.. and I sure as hell look at men throughout my every day life (no matter if I'm in an airport or grocery store)....and I find a reason to want to explore many of them in ways they've never imagined.
Men are beautiful souls and there will always be a reason to enjoy them. Regardless of a womans age.
To even hint that some women should give up the hobby IE: Sex.. & enjoyment with men...is to say she's dead inside and that is downright wrong.

as to the topic:
Why should a lady have to leave the hobby? Huh? The hobby is about sexual relations and the pleasurable journeys of all kinds.
And I feel every woman has the right to ENJOY sexual relations with men and all the pleasures that come with it. For as long as she wants to! And not stop enjoying it, just because some men say otherwise.

To even hint that some women should give up the hobby IE: Sex.. & enjoyment with men...is to say she's dead inside and that is downright wrong.
If a guy is going to suggest that some women leave the hobby. Then those same men ought to do the same.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander!!

See wicked milf..... lol jk

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
See wicked milf..... lol jk

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I'd like to know why you mentioned my name in this topic?
Must be the numerous times I've told you NO!! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf

OUCH, That left a mark!! Somebody get sixx some ice for the swelling!!!!

sixxbach's Avatar
Ah calm down Wicked. It is no secret I have wanted to see you. I have a like for the bizarre, things out of the norm, etc. I guess that explains it.

I will be contacting you via my 2nd P411 account. I am determined......

Mature Companion's Avatar
As I'm determined to continue to say Hell NO!

So bring on the 2nd P411 ID.......

Ah calm down Wicked. It is no secret I have wanted to see you. I have a like for the bizarre, things out of the norm, etc. I guess that explains it.

I will be contacting you via my 2nd P411 account. I am determined.....

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
This question amuses me somewhat. It almost sounds as if there is a bell that rings to signify the end of a career. For those whose motives are solely money, then my answer would be the same as in any other business..AS SOON AS POSSIBLE....and I mean any business as the worker (no matter how high up on that pay scale), will be miserable and so will their clients...this includes those in public service, teachers, lawyers, doctors, investment executives and just about everyone else.....Money is not the goal of a profession, only the goal of a job....

If this is truly your profession, as it is for me, the answer is much simpler than many may expect. Today instead of the phone stopping to ring....it never stops. My life is filled with clients that I have seen for many years and others who are hoping for a spot in it. There is not enough time for me to tour all the cities I would like to, so many wait for long periods of time, but still stay loyal, (If you are in that category...I truly thank you)....I have become skilled and can entertain on many levels and as with many other careers, the more skilled you are, the more in demand you are. Of course, looks are a good part of this profession,or at least what initially attracts someone to you... but a true professional takes care of their store front, which in this business is your looks, and by doing that, you will continue to draw that crowd... Sounds far fetched I'm sure if you haven't been in this life long. But if it's a quickie your looking for, I'm too expensive for you anyway, you'd just be throwing your money away, as there are a million young girls who can perform basic skills and are amazingly beautiful......No..... those who are my clients are in no hurry for me to retire. I see a look of fear or uncertainty in their eyes when ever I broach the subject...

So...when does a professional in this life retire?

Whenever She feels like it.........as simple as that....
+1 .....You stop making money.

ladies or gents, the answer is the same.

quit when it ceases being fun !!! Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
burkalini's Avatar
I think there are two different times when a woman should quit albeit one is no better than the other. 1 being when she only does it for the money. Men can pick up on this as it usually shows up sooner or later in your performance. And 2 when she gets to the point where she just can't stand men. I guess the two reasons are not that far apart afterall. If she enjoys it like Wicked says she does she should continue as long as she wants. I have been with 19 year old providers that in my mind should have retired a year before. If it an't broke don't fix it. If it is either get it fixed or retire it to the yard.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2011, 07:46 AM
As with many things I really believe we try to make this more complicated that it needs to be. I've seen many sets of data that show the typical person changes careers several times in their working life, and for many different reasons. I really think the same is true here as well. Job burn out, finding a better situation, saved enough that they don't need to work any more, etc. People are people, and those in this world aren't as different as we sometimes want to believe.

Turn the question around: what are the signs that anyone should leave the job they are in?
Still Looking's Avatar
Now it just seems like you're trying to bait certain providers rather than asking a genuine question. *shakes my head* We may agree on some things and not others, but it really does seem like your posts lately are aimed at getting people to agree with you and then jumping on people who disagree as vehemently as you.

Come on Beth.....I stand alone in my opinions. I don't speak for the masses!I single out no one! Most all of my posts are humor oriented! If pleading a case for my stand on an issue is that jumping on someone? Well I don't know what to say. By even responding to this perhaps you feel I prove your point if I disagree with you?! So does this mean I'm jumping on you? Not at all! I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion. I’d like to think I’m included in that! I've have learned a lot in my participation on this board. The most important of which is the ignore button!

Maybe I'm wrong with how this thread will turn out, but I'm thinking your motives in posting it are questionable. I'm staying a neutral party but I did want to have you stop for a moment and think how you might be coming across lately. Originally Posted by SugarBeth
cabletex7's Avatar
When the fucktards outnumber the hooktards.
Still Looking's Avatar
After they roll though Austin and deal with all those chowderheads. Originally Posted by pyramider
That would be enough to make anyone quit!!!

Maybe when this happens:

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=253010 Originally Posted by Clouddancer
I have NEVER drank that much.... well maybe I have but I couldn't fingure how to logon when I did! Dam!