Hangover cures

LadiesFan's Avatar
water, water, and more water.... rekcaSxT was spot on, hangovers are the result of dehydration.

The only thing that I would add is that I drink a glass of water between every liquor drink. This serves a few functions, it helps keep me hydrated, it slows down my alcohol consumption, water is cheaper than a mixed drink (if they charge at all), and I can walk around with a glass of water and still have a drink in my hand... I feel aykward at a bar without a drink in my hand.

Devynn, I've got some STEAK for ya anytime, just call!!! Originally Posted by chairspud
Ha! I bet you do, Mr. Spud!

Well, there has been a lot of informative suggestions-the pickle juice one is one that I definetely have never heard of.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 03-05-2010, 12:05 PM
Gatorade and if it's really bad have a bloody mary or a mimosa and take a nap. Have sex immediately after awaking from nap.
Gatorade and if it's really bad have a bloody mary or a mimosa and take a nap. Have sex immediately after awaking from nap. Originally Posted by oden
I like your style, oden =)
Don't drink= no hangover

I know I ruined the fun.

Ive noticed that for me the best thing for a hangover is Vitamin Water, BC Powder, and something spicy to eat if you have that sick, bile feeling on your stomach. Once the initial nasty feeling is gone, lots of fruits and veggies. V8 Splash and Jamba Juice are my favorite alternatives. really though, some good sweaty sex does helps too..
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
i noticed that if I take an asprin before I start drinking and have a cup of water after every shot I dont get hangovers nor sickif I forget the water then my next day is done for sure and stay far away from drinks that are colorful
Drink plenty of water... before you drink.
Oh, and when you wake up, with a hang over, drink more.
Back in college my hangover treatment was a can of v8 and a cheeseburger the next day.
ANONONE's Avatar
This is the best stuff you can find. It is pricey, but it works. It even sobers you up quicker. I have tested it with a breathalyzer, and you can watch your BA drop rapidly as you use it at the end of the evening:

Anonone, I may have to take this pepsi challenge. I am totally intrigued-where do you get this stuff?
OH! And the pickle-juice thing works, I think. A year or so ago I had a rough night with a few beers, a bottle of wine, some tequila shots, and Lord knows what else. I woke-up with the worst hangover of my life and was introduced to the pickle juice via google and it seemed to definitely help.

Other tricks include: a shower where you alternate between hot and cold water, going back to bed, and only drinking one type of drink during the night (an obvious one, I just wanted to make my list look longer).
What do you swear by that works for kicking a hangover? Besides a huge bowl of menudo? Originally Posted by Devynn von Tease
I can't photoshop worth a damn, so please use your imagination.


I'm not sure how that would help with a hangover, but I'm definitely going to try it next time I forget it's liquor then beer!
nuglet's Avatar
the old saying I learned as a kid was: "Whiskey and beer, never fear.... Beer and Whiskey, mighty risky".
ANONONE's Avatar
Anonone, I may have to take this pepsi challenge. I am totally intrigued-where do you get this stuff? Originally Posted by Devynn von Tease
It is hard to find since it is from Korea. If you click on the picture of the cans you should either be taken to the company that distributes it, or a list of possible merchants in your area.

It has been a while since I have seen in it sold in the US.

It has an interesting story. It is called 808 because it took the scientist that many formulas to arrive at the correct mixture. Apparently he started out to create a treatment to save the liver of his alcoholic relative. During the clinical trials it was discovered that it not only improved liver function, it apparently also cures hangovers and can be used to induce sobriety. It is pretty big in Europe and Asia, but has not yet taken off in the US.