Would you hire me Bambino so I can get off of welfare? Originally Posted by themysticNO
"why are you the supervisor while me and joe have to be in that ditch digging with a shovel?," asks WTFYou should be a Comedy Writer on a hit Sitcom with all that writing talent.
well, says I, its like this, as I placed my hand on the tree's trunk I had been lounging under
'hit my hand, go ahead hit it"
no WTF exclaimed, I don't wanna hurt you
no go ahead says I
and he squinches up his eyes and rears back and swings his fist
meanwhile I calmly move my hand off the tree and his fist crunch's into the tree,
knuckles all bruised and bleeding he says, "now I get it"
he wanders back to the ditch and gets in
joe says, well what did he say, why is he the supervisor?
says WTF, as he places his hand over his face, its like this, pick up that shovel and try to hit my hand Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought