Robert Kraft vs. Jussie Smollet How They Both Helped and Hurt The Hobby

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I produce and you consume. That's the sum of it. The fact that you're so bent out of shape and desire to utilize North Korean, Taliban, and Iranian Grand Ayotollah tactics to silence those you disagree with says more about you than it does SC. Now as I told you and your friends before stop attempting to derail threads with hijacks and stick to the topics. I'm guessing you are disciplined enough to do that, or avoid the thread or even put SC on ignore. If you choose not to do any of those things then it appears you're just being messy, petty, and is actually the one with no life. I'm sure you're a fine fella DJ so go look in the mirror and stop behaving like you have no discipline and training. Your incessant rants and stalking is becoming tiring. I'm sure people ask if he doesnt want to read SC's comments why does he keep doing so? Something just ain't right with this picture. Stay out of my threads and stop harassing me and calling me a monkey...its a blatant rule violation...stop trying to hurt my makes me sad. ;-) and I'm reporting you. ;-)
VitaMan's Avatar
May be the Streisand Effect or something similar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This kind of honesty is what I appreciate. This is mature feedback I just received.

OK, thanks for that. In the one instance that I did indeed go overboard, please realize it was partly because I respect your intellect, and wish you'd put more energy into challenging us on issues, instead of spouting the standard Democratic Party line. This would be a more interesting place. Originally Posted by Tiny mean ANOTHER new handle
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I produce and you consume. That's the sum of it. The fact that you're so bent out of shape and desire to utilize North Korean, Taliban, and Iranian Grand Ayotollah tactics to silence those you disagree with says more about you than it does SC. Now as I told you and your friends before stop attempting to derail threads with hijacks and stick to the topics. I'm guessing you are disciplined enough to do that, or avoid the thread or even put SC on ignore. If you choose not to do any of those things then it appears you're just being messy, petty, and is actually the one with no life. I'm sure you're a fine fella DJ so go look in the mirror and stop behaving like you have no discipline and training. Your incessant rants and stalking is becoming tiring. I'm sure people ask if he doesnt want to read SC's comments why does he keep doing so? Something just ain't right with this picture. Stay out of my threads and stop harassing me and calling me a monkey...its a blatant rule violation...stop trying to hurt my makes me sad. ;-) and I'm reporting you. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I didn't state nor hint I was talking about you. However if the fucking shoe fits......................
boardman's Avatar
I didn't state nor hint I was talking about you. However if the fucking shoe fits...................... Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
boardman's Avatar
I didn't state nor hint I was talking about you. However if the fucking shoe fits...................... Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
boardman's Avatar
I didn't state nor hint I was talking about you. However if the fucking shoe fits...................... Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
He always TRIES to make it about him. He just doesn't know how to be cool about it like me.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Just a general comment not made toward any one individual, however if someone (general term, not naming any person here or in the real world) comes off as a miserable racist cocksucker that has no life outside of anything they post over the internet....that doesn't make me miserable..... Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I produce and you consume. That's the sum of it. The fact that you're so bent out of shape and desire to utilize North Korean, Taliban, and Iranian Grand Ayotollah tactics to silence those you disagree with says more about you than it does SC. Now as I told you and your friends before stop attempting to derail threads with hijacks and stick to the topics. I'm guessing you are disciplined enough to do that, or avoid the thread or even put SC on ignore. ..... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Wow...Just wow. Now that you both have let off some steam, I can clearly start to point anyone who derails after my post.