If a provider is talking shit and making threats

Russ38's Avatar
I would venture to guess that many guys who have a regular or two have disclosed more than they probably should but that connection is what makes for a regular or ATF. That's just how it goes. Originally Posted by boardman
And you’d definitely be right catman....and more often than not, that disclosure tends to go both ways....which makes one thinck there’s more to the story as you mentioned.....
Personal info goes both ways she told me personal stuff about her that if I told y’all then I’m sure a lot of you would definitely stay away from her in fact it’s info I found out the last time we were together is why I decided she wasn’t for me anymore . Where I went wrong was agreeing to see her the day before and then ghosting her the next day
That’s why OPSEC is required for the hobby.
boardman's Avatar
And a little more truth comes out.
If a hobbiest let's a chic get any rw info from them its their fault when stuff happens. Trusting any provider is straight up stupid.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
If a provider is talking shit and making threats Is it OK to put a warning and her number. I was supposed to see this girl we talked a couple days ago about getting together and then I didn’t come through so now she is threatening to post warnings about me to all the ladies and she even said she went as far as to dig up my personal info and find out who my wife is and contact her so is it OK to post a warning about this girl and list her phone number? Originally Posted by Htownastros1962

Another fucking troll posting under another username. Pay no attention.
Dear _John , I was wondering when the captain save a hoe was going to show his face And there you are