If this doesn't end bitten run before it starts...nothing will!!

Yes run Joe! Run Hills! Suck all the O2 out of the room.

Who can promise the most! Reparations for black and brown men! Reparations for black, white, brown and yellow women!

Free G6 nation wide wifi! Forgive student debt! Lifetime income stream! Open Borders! 84 genders and 112 races!
Lighten up Levi. That's to bad you don't like hearing about it. You support a pathetic piece of shit for President. Why don't you watch Trump in Helsinki with Putin and tell me that's ok with you. Your defense of the scum bag Trump is what's really pathetic. You don't know your stuff scardy cat Originally Posted by themystic
What am I suppose to be afraid of? It's nobodies fault but your own that you can't post anything worthwhile. Because of that nobody takes you serious.
themystic's Avatar
What am I suppose to be afraid of? It's nobodies fault but your own that you can't post anything worthwhile. Because of that nobody takes you serious. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I anxiously await your next explosion of deep wisdom Levi. Being a Trump lackey does limit your ability to go to deep but give it the old college try. Who knows maybe lightning will strike
I anxiously await your next explosion of deep wisdom Levi. Being a Trump lackey does limit your ability to go to deep but give it the old college try. Who knows maybe lightning will strike Originally Posted by themystic
Oh that was deep. Where do you get your wisdom from, your life size Obama picture?
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2019, 11:20 AM
Biden announced for President (AGAIN) this Am
DPST loons care nothing for another Old White Male - if he claimed transvestite status he would be more palatable to the DPST loons and supporters - even on this forum.

But No - he's just "Handsey Hoe Joe" - the real "Grab 'em by the Pussy" candidate!!!!
Won't fly with Yuckko Ono's Consort, will it.
txexetoo's Avatar
The real question is what does Putin think about Biden. Trump would not have won 2016 without Putin and Russia's help / interference. Rudy Giuliani said there was nothing wrong with the Russians help. Do you think Joe should reach out to Putin bb? Originally Posted by themystic

How many voting machines were tampered with and how many votes were changed? Oh yeah none right. They had ZERO impact on the election. Trump won because the democraps and Hillary were stupid