I have not seen all 8 of them unfortunately, I can say, Lexi and Vicky's are amazing on their frame. Mia has huge ones from what I read so do some research and you will find your answer....

Good Luck Originally Posted by Ghostrider
My problem is the more I research, the more I'm plagued by indecision!
Chung Tran's Avatar
My problem is the more I research, the more I'm plagued by indecision! Originally Posted by Purlie Victorious
I hear you.. when you have a stacked lineup of great ladies, your choice might boil down to small differences. you choose one, then wonder "should I have picked XXX instead"? that's a good problem, of course. at least there are plenty of reviews, accurate reviews, that confirm Blue is undoubtedly the top Spa in Dallas.
Ghostrider's Avatar
I went back and picked Lexi again. Well worth it and when the blood gets back where it needs to be I will review
I will read your Lexi review, Mr. Ghost. I need more clarity before I finally choose one of these Blue girls. I'm afraid once the needle goes in my arm, I'm gonna want to turn my 401k into a 201k. Everyone of them sounds amazing
  • Gp_R
  • 05-10-2019, 10:14 PM
Call or is text ok? Originally Posted by Jayson24
Call and call as soon as you can because I’m sure spots fill up, all the skills Blue has I’m shocked there’s not a line out the door lol
Picachulon's Avatar
Call and call as soon as you can because I’m sure spots fill up, all the skills Blue has I’m shocked there’s not a line out the door lol Originally Posted by Gp_R
Last time I was at blue, I had a 10 am appointment and while I was in the table shower being treated, two of you, horn-dogs, knocked on the door. So even that early in the mornings they are busy.
Has anybody seen the 8 Blue ladies yet?
I'm working my weigh through them only it's not work it's fun!
Perfect, Vicky, Lexi, Hot, Cool, Penny, Heaven

Now that is one Holy Sunday Lineup!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Last time I was at blue, I had a 10 am appointment and while I was in the table shower being treated, two of you, horn-dogs, knocked on the door. So even that early in the mornings they are busy. Originally Posted by Picachulon
you left out the part about your opening the curtain and inviting those 2 horndogs in, for a MMMF session. thankfully the guys declined your invitation.. ewww!

I kid.

really, though, I was at Blue last Friday, and the guys kept coming, one after another. I have never heard so many guys coming in during a time I was in a session, anywhere. who else even has 8 girls, let alone 8 high-quality girls?
I saw Perfect this past week. Been doing the occasional massage parlors with the hand job but Perfect was Perfect. Thanks for the info. Not sure I will review because I am new to this site.
I saw Perfect this past week. Been doing the occasional massage parlors with the hand job but Perfect was Perfect. Thanks for the info. Not sure I will review because I am new to this site. Originally Posted by Chris Pike
Hand jobs are a waste. One visit to Blue should rid you of the notion to ever visit a Sub-AMP. Besides that the hand job joints are run by the Chinese, with whom we are engaged in a Tariff War, that killed our Stock Market today.

You did write a review. You just said Perfect "was perfect". A 2 word review that said more than some of these 800 word reviews.
aRandyOne's Avatar
I saw Perfect this past week. Been doing the occasional massage parlors with the hand job but Perfect was Perfect. Thanks for the info. Not sure I will review because I am new to this site. Originally Posted by Chris Pike
Write a review so you can read the ROS comments.
I was there this wednesd and saw cool. Plan on going again when i go back to Dallas this weekend, not sure who i'm going to see thsi time. I'll decide that later this week