The unemployment numbers are BETTER than 49 years agoi

he was, but GW rarely showed up, that is well documented. and I give Bill a pass, since he married Hilary at a young age, and that is worse than any form of combat for which he could have been conscripted! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Being married to Hillary would be hellish torture I'm sure.

George W was a good man who served honorably.
They were 28 when they married. Wrong again Chung. Originally Posted by bambino
In Chung's defense, when he sees a 35 year old girl he thinks she is early twenties, so be easy on the old boy....
lustylad's Avatar
AOC went to Boston University for her econ degree.

Obviously, all you have to do is show up to get your degree. Originally Posted by friendly fred
You're right - my bad! She did learn everything she "knows" about economics at Boston U.

I shouldn't have smeared UMass by suggesting they contributed to her willful ignorance.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
They were 28 when they married. Wrong again Chung. Originally Posted by bambino
Right or wrong, that was funny.
They were 28 when they married. Wrong again Chung. Originally Posted by bambino

True. However, the hildebeest might have already been fucking up his life for several years prior to their wedding day, so there's that.
ICU 812's Avatar
at the risk of having to tweak a few of your statements...

not every high schooler got skimmed from the job market.. Donald Trump, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and other famous Republicans were nursing severe disabilities that prevented them from fighting.. they managed to obtain high-paying jobs right away.. guess it's who you know, huh?

also, inflation was NOT high in 1970.. it became high in late 1973 AFTER the oil embargo.. the economy was in ruins in 1974, that's why Veterans could not get jobs. the high gas prices could occur again, and spiral the economy off course, Trump be damned.. remember when he bragged back in December, that oil was "$43 a barrel"? it is well over $60 today.. totally out of Trump's control.. just saying.. unemployment is very low, we are basically at full employment. but you didn't need to skew facts to make your case. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Sorry. Thanks for those corrections. It was a Looong time ago for me.

Graduating in 1969, I too escaped the draft with a college deferment till 1973 when I became 1-A again . . .but we were pulling out. Setting aside my errors on the economy though, the effect of the draft and an ecomomy at war while in a peace time mode did make for a lower rate of unemployment.

The point I was groping for is that back then, a lot of first time employees went into the Army, and so cullig a significant number of potential employees from the workforce . . .while today, we have low unemployment with no draft.

I still think it is valid to say that today's economy, as reflected in the unemployment figures, is stronger than back in 1970.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I still think it is valid to say that today's economy, as reflected in the unemployment figures, is stronger than back in 1970. Originally Posted by ICU 812
no doubt about it.

True. However, the hildebeest might have already been fucking up his life for several years prior to their wedding day, so there's that. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
she had, and that was my real point. they were together as a Couple long before they married.

and I will give Bill a small amount of credit. that being he waited years before marrying Hilary, to give himself time to figure out if marriage to a Lesbian would hinder a run for the Presidency.