William Barr Delivers Chilling Message to FBI for Trump

I B Hankering's Avatar
your Boy Trump's Lawyer, Gulliani, said spying is normal and nothing illegal about it. Campaigns have always tried to get dirt on opponents. but they didn't get butthurt and launch investigations before. I'm condemning both parties, but the right-wingers here can't see past the FISA warrants, their noses are so far up Trumps ass.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

That's a bullshit response if there ever was one.

The fucking FISA warrants used by this country's intelligence agencies to prosecute a criminal investigation against Team Trump were founded on opposition research bought and paid for by Team hildebeest from foreign agents -- including the Russians. The FISA warrants were garnered illegally by U.S. government agencies seeking to promote the agenda of the dim-retard party in violation of U.S. tradition and law.

Mueller damn well should have investigated this angle, but it's obvious with biased, anti-Trump investigators like McCabe, Strzok and Weismann that didn't happen. Mueller time is over; it's time to pay the Barr tab.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
word from the sources from the IG's office.

2nd, 3rd & 4th fisa warrants were illegal. they're looking into the 1st one. that one was prolly legal.
I B Hankering's Avatar
word from the sources from the IG's office.

2nd, 3rd & 4th fisa warrants were illegal. they're looking into the 1st one. that one was prolly legal. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The extant paper trail shows that Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec pointedly informed the FBI that the Steele dossier was a politically motivated smear campaign ten days before the FBI used it to secure the first FISA warrant under a sworn affidavit that the Steele dossier had been "verified" in accordance with U.S. laws.
lustylad's Avatar
your Boy Trump's Lawyer, Gulliani, said spying is normal and nothing illegal about it. Campaigns have always tried to get dirt on opponents. but they didn't get butthurt and launch investigations before. I'm condemning both parties, but the right-wingers here can't see past the FISA warrants, their noses are so far up Trumps ass.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Wow, I thought you were smarter than that.

The last POTUS who tried to misuse the machinery of the federal govt (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) to spy on his political opponents was Dick Nixon. Both democrats and republicans deemed it a scandal and launched hearings and investigations. As Barr would say, it was "a big deal" - so big that it resulted in Nixon being the only POTUS to resign from office in our nation's history. You're old enough to remember that, no?

How about showing us the exact Giuliani quote you are referring to? I'm pretty sure you are conflating legal "opposition research" with illegal surveillance.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wow, I thought you were smarter than that. Originally Posted by lustylad
There's a distinction between being "smart" and being well-informed.

The last of the Great White Hoax has been debunked, Obaminable's "Legacy" is being shredded by his own party, and The Real Investigation is cranking up to reach The Final Resolution.

Barr is about to do the LiberalSocialists a favor by cleaning house at the DOJ and FBI in order that they may AGAIN keep law enforcement from violating the citizens' rights and privileges by conducting their business in a manner consistent with decades of SCOTUS precedents.

Hopefully, the minorities who have traditionally returned the LiberalSocialists to office in exchange for entitlement benefits will recognize the importance of conservative constitutional principles in their everyday lives and how the Liberal Socialists actually use the system against them to fill our prisons and jails while pacifying their family members with handouts, and start the drift to the conservative movements where their rights will be protected and government restrained from disrespecting them.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Hopefully, the minorities who have traditionally returned the LiberalSocialists to office in exchange for entitlement benefits will recognize the importance of conservative constitutional principles in their everyday lives and how the Liberal Socialists actually use the system against them to fill our prisons and jails while pacifying their family members with handouts, and start the drift to the conservative movements where their rights will be protected and government restrained from disrespecting them. Originally Posted by LexusLover

that might be up against a the demographic trend toward the left but that's another thread topic.
bambino's Avatar
Wow, I thought you were smarter than that.

The last POTUS who tried to misuse the machinery of the federal govt (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) to spy on his political opponents was Dick Nixon. Both democrats and republicans deemed it a scandal and launched hearings and investigations. As Barr would say, it was "a big deal" - so big that it resulted in Nixon being the only POTUS to resign from office in our nation's history. You're old enough to remember that, no?

How about showing us the exact Giuliani quote you are referring to? I'm pretty sure you are conflating legal "opposition research" with illegal surveillance. Originally Posted by lustylad
The jig is up on Tranny. His posts of late show that he’s a political hack with not much substance or critical analysis. Trump is under his skin. He can’t handle it. He picked up where YR left off
LexusLover's Avatar
that might be up against a the demographic trend AWAY FROM the left ..... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

.... and it's relevant to the thread topic of Barr's excursion and inquisition .....

.... into the ABYSS of the UNHOLY alliance between LE and ObaminableVille.

Listen to this man ....

... hardly a "Nazis"!!!! and hardly "LE FRIENDLY"!!!!!!!!!

For years (it seems decades) the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumper crowd has been mouthing off about not violating others' rights and freedoms with imprisonment and "enhanced interrogation techniques," because it made us no better than they are!!! So behind our backs they orchestrate a Banana Republic type coop to overthrow OUR duly elected PRESIDENT and then embark upon a venture to destroy the Man, his family, friends, and supporters in an effort to drive him from the White House and put him in jail, because? ..............he beat "THEIR CANDIDATE"!!!!!

Barr is focused on getting to the "bottom" of it and draining their cesspool.

Personally, I don't want anyone regardless of political, cultural, and/or social perspective to ever do this shit again to OUR COUNTRY. Trump is not the embarrassment on the World Stage ... the pukes who orchestrated that bullshit and those who have cheered them on in their worthless, disgusting effort in which millions of taxpayer dollars have been pissed off for NOTHING! Personally, jail/prison is too good. Venezuela is PERFECT!
gfejunkie's Avatar
these "investigations" are all Horseshit tit-for-tat, and mean absolutely nothing. grown Men and Women acting like children. grow the fuck up and do something besides finger-pointing and trying to keep your "team" in power. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What? Just because the scheme didn't work we're all just supposed to look away as if it never happened?

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.

There were far too many crimes committed trying to get your Hellary BITCH elected. By the time AG Barr gets through prison will be too good for them. The traitorous bastards should have to face a firing squad.

It's all going to be way too much fun to watch!
LexusLover's Avatar
What? Just because the scheme didn't work we're all just supposed to look away as if it never happened?
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The SocialistLiberalAntiTrumper crowd believe an "apology" is good enough .... while they blame Trump for their own behavior. Remember?

the dimocrats and allies, the deep state and the media, did begin the illegal, no holds barred, texas caged death match

while I believe barr is merely attempting to right grievous wrongs and punish the destructors for the sake of the country as a whole, the left cant see the mote in their own eye, and they will continue to rationalize this as some attack on the organs of government and not on bad actors, for the sake of surviving, until even they come to believe it, and certainly their children's children will believe it

my fear for this country is that we will become like the Israelis and the Palestinians, who have long lost the understanding of who attacked whom first, who and what is right and how to get along
rexdutchman's Avatar
OH NO Mr Bill don't look this way " punish the destructors", Yeah this is a new idea in general
Chung Tran's Avatar
The jig is up on Tranny. His posts of late show that he’s a political hack with not much substance or critical analysis. Trump is under his skin. He can’t handle it. He picked up where YR left off Originally Posted by bambino
Trump is not under my skin. the whole "investigations" process is, to an extent. from both parties. why did the Republicans wait so long to "investigate" this FISA stuff? they have been in power more than 2 years. the allegations were there early in the Trump Presidency. they keep talking about "the Deep State", how everyone not connected to the far right is trying to undo the election. nonsense.. this is a response to get back at Democrats for their "investigations", and refusal to drop attacks against Trump after the Mueller report came up with little fodder to use. you guys think so narrowly, all you see is the bad Democrats out to get Trump, your side is playing the same game.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trump is not under my skin. the whole "investigations" process is, to an extent. from both parties. why did the Republicans wait so long to "investigate" this FISA stuff? they have been in power more than 2 years. the allegations were there early in the Trump Presidency. they keep talking about "the Deep State", how everyone not connected to the far right is trying to undo the election. nonsense.. this is a response to get back at Democrats for their "investigations", and refusal to drop attacks against Trump after the Mueller report came up with little fodder to use. you guys think so narrowly, all you see is the bad Democrats out to get Trump, your side is playing the same game. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The real question is, "Why didn't Mueller investigate the FISA warrants?" based as they were on the word of paid foreign agents in the employ of team hildebeest?

There's no doubt Wiesmann would have written another 100 pages about Trump ~attempting~ to obstruct the Mueller investigation had Republicans started an investigation into the FISA warrants before the Mueller report was released.

And maybe the Republicans wanted Team Mueller to reveal its congenital anti-Trump bias by its non-investigation of the Steele dossier's role in securing the FISA warrants before they began their own investigation.
Chung Tran's Avatar
maybe.. but the way it looks now, is Trump's people trying to leverage the Executive Branch to get back at those who investigated them. I get the anger, but it's still tit-for-tat in the end. Kavanaugh got fucked over, because the Republicans bottled up Merrick Garland. Democrats were rightfully pissed. they did a stupid job of trying to subvert Kavanaugh's bid, but they couldn't lay back and do nothing.

what happened to "jail Hilary", that Trump kept repeating on the stump? he let her go scot free. she should be in prison, but Trump proved that was simply a sing-song rally theme.. he wasn't serious at all.