Alrington Cemetery Trump does something no president did.

bambino's Avatar

close enough Trump hater. and get a 6th grader to show you how to actually quote a post.

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by Lapdog
He must be a Bernie supporter. A new poll shows they’re the lowest IQ voters.

He must be a Bernie supporter. A new poll shows they’re the lowest IQ voters. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I heard that on the news too.

They are the morons you see in those "man on the street" segments where they can't answer the simplistic of questions. Like, "what ocean borders the east coast"?......... "Duh, uh, I never been to the beach"
I think that the answer to that should be fairly obvious by simply reading my last post, but no, that's not I said at all. As much as Trump derides the media, he is still a master at manipulating it and taking advantage of it in order to suit his own means. The aforementioned photo opportunity certainly shows that. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You're not at liberty to judge his heart only God is capable of that. It's best to just take his actions at face value.
Archangels...fallen violins and fiddles.

A rose by any other name. Originally Posted by grean
Police Officers are closer to what an Archangel is than a Marine will ever hope to be. In fact thats what the Archangels of Heaven are equivalent too.
Twit head is still amusing the fk out of me. We all know he wanted to grab the mom by the pussy since he can because he is a famous ignorant redneck racicist that his ignorant racist redneck supporters in the U.S. And Russia actually still believe in. Him and Putin are both banking the big bucks.

It's all good fun though. He still hasn't fukd up the Obama economy.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Twit head is still amusing the fk out of me. We all know he wanted to grab the mom by the pussy since he can because he is a famous ignorant redneck racicist that his ignorant racist redneck supporters in the U.S. And Russia actually still believe in. Him and Putin are both banking the big bucks.

It's all good fun though. He still hasn't fukd up the Obama economy. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I couldn't hear you with that penis in your mouth. Do you mind repeating your inane dribble?
I'm betting this never happened.
bambino's Avatar
Twit head is still amusing the fk out of me. We all know he wanted to grab the mom by the pussy since he can because he is a famous ignorant redneck racicist that his ignorant racist redneck supporters in the U.S. And Russia actually still believe in. Him and Putin are both banking the big bucks.

It's all good fun though. He still hasn't fukd up the Obama economy. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Rednecks can spell better than you. IJS.
Twit head is still amusing the fk out of me. We all know he wanted to grab the mom by the pussy since he can because he is a famous ignorant redneck racicist that his ignorant racist redneck supporters in the U.S. And Russia actually still believe in. Him and Putin are both banking the big bucks.

It's all good fun though. He still hasn't fukd up the Obama economy. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Is this material you use in your stand-up routine....
Bet it gets a lot of laughs.
Thanks for calling half of the country ignorant and racist...I guess the non supports are...brilliant the Bernie supports.
Trump is a good man comforting the Gold Star widow and her son.
Longermonger's Avatar
Trump writes a provider review after every political rally. His reviews rave about how well his MAGAhat wearing crowd blows him. #MAGADTBBBJCIMNQNSWS #MAGATUMA #MAGABBFS

The funniest part is the brown-nosers don’t even get paid for blowing him. They actually pay him!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump writes a provider review after every political rally. His reviews rave about how well his MAGAhat wearing crowd blows him. #MAGADTBBBJCIMNQNSWS #MAGATUMA #MAGABBFS

The funniest part is the brown-nosers don’t even get paid for blowing him. They actually pay him! Originally Posted by Longermonger
you need to up your game. and since the backpage scanks you prefer are banished from the interwebs (well backpage anyway) looks like you'll have to look for better ho's. especially at $300

you really paid a bp ho 3 bills and expected anything other than this ....

lesson learned yeah?
Trump writes a provider review after every political rally. His reviews rave about how well his MAGAhat wearing crowd blows him. #MAGADTBBBJCIMNQNSWS #MAGATUMA #MAGABBFS

The funniest part is the brown-nosers don’t even get paid for blowing him. They actually pay him! Originally Posted by Longermonger
Can we just call you LONG MONG for short...that MAGA hat has you going crazy about the "fake new shirts"??
You're an Antifa charter member and got your brown nose up it the air about don't blow it
Twit head is still amusing the fk out of me. We all know he wanted to grab the mom by the pussy since he can because he is a famous ignorant redneck racicist that his ignorant racist redneck supporters in the U.S. And Russia actually still believe in. Him and Putin are both banking the big bucks.

It's all good fun though. He still hasn't fukd up the Obama economy. Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Thank God he actually improved it. He also has crushed Obama's ISIS Warriors.
JRLawrence's Avatar
He is accumulating wealth for himself and his family by using the office he holds and laughing at all of us all the way to the bank. The presidency is one of the few successful business deals that he has ever participated in. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Total Bull Shit.