75 Years Ago Real Americans Took On Real Nazis

eccieuser9500's Avatar
They were Real men , real Heroes

Sadly I don't think society today has the same true grit Originally Posted by rexdutchman


The greatest American BOOM "came" after the fight against Fascism that continues.



I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm having some connectivity issues but there is a famous photograph of Eisenhower addressing members of the 101st Airborne the day before they dropped into Normandy. I'm a World War II buff and have been since junior high school. That means for over 40 years I've seen the photograph many, many times. Last year I was doing some research and found out something remarkable; when you look at Eisenhower he is talking directly at a tall man wearing a helmet and positioned to Eisenhower's left, and it looks like his head is balanced on Ike's first, is my dad's cousin Sherman. Corporal Sherman (no last name because of trolls) survived the war though his brother Lyle died on the beach that day. He came home to Topeka, KS and taught history until he retired. I wish I could say more but you know, the troll problem.
If someone could post the photo I would appreciate it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

lustylad's Avatar
I can't imagine what was going through the minds of those brave individuals on that day. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Prayers. And thoughts of their wives/girlfriends/mothers. And how to avoid slipping on the pools of vomit as they exited the landing boats.
At the age of 22 my dad piloted a B-24 Liberator and led 9 other young men into battle over Nazi Germany.

The Army Air Corps were the first ones in and the last ones out.. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
my grand uncle was on that french beach. don't know which one tho. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Hotrod511's Avatar
I guess the first time wasn't enough for this WWII hero
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The first one. Thank you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The first one. Thank you. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

and the last one as well.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
and the last one as well. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I disagree.
There's a multitude of politicians that claim they know whats best for all of us. Pure bs.
Thus, it will happen again.

There's a reason the United States has various constitutional restrictions on govt. And did not our founders see that a couple hundred yrs ago? And does not the Declaration of Independence directly authorize overthrowing govt if appropriate?

Ok enough of my rant a day after the best and worst day of my family.
Mom's 2nd cousin died on the beach. Another a week later, a third the week after that. But, one of her first cousins was in the airborne drop and is actually still alive. He has never been able to tell his story without breaking up.
Any politician that claims to know what's best, cleary needs to be concerned about being compared to the German ahole from the late 30s/early 40s.

Disclaimer: I admit I have zero tolerance to politicians that attach themselves to spur of the moment stuff to get themselves elected.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
and the last one as well. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I disagree. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

dude, I was talking about the IB/barleycorn photos. 1st and last photos were in reference to barleycorn's relative.
Gen. Eisenhower, what a chickenshit pussy, had it not been for Patton the Allies would have lost that war. The Germans were led to believe Patton was going to attack them from the Western front. That’s how we kicked Nazi ass on D-Day
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You need to get out of your mother's basement.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Gen. Eisenhower, what a chickenshit pussy, had it not been for Patton the Allies would have lost that war. The Germans were led to believe Patton was going to attack them from the Western front. That’s how we kicked Nazi ass on D-Day Originally Posted by Stockinglover

that is the most simplistic and incorrect description of the allied success in WWII ever posted.

while the allies did use Patton as a decoy building an entire fictional Army around him even with fake tanks and vehicles (inflatable replicas) that the Germans duly photographed and presumed to be real, it was Hitler who steadfastly believed the invasion would be at Pas-de-Calais


Hitler refused all of his senior Generals' advice including Rommel to counterattack immediately once word of the Normandy landing was reported.

you do know that Eisenhower and Patton were close friends since their early days in the Army yeah?

Eisenhower was not chosen for his battle strategy. He was chosen by Roosevelt for his ability to manage the largest coalition of allied forces ever assembled.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Gen. Eisenhower, what a chickenshit pussy, had it not been for Patton the Allies would have lost that war. The Germans were led to believe Patton was going to attack them from the Western front. That’s how we kicked Nazi ass on D-Day Originally Posted by Stockinglover
Pre-eminent author-historian Stephen Ambrose noted and wrote that perhaps no other general -- British or American -- could have worked as well with both the pugnacious Churchill and FDR while harnessing and directing the genius talents of three prima donna generals such as Montgomery, Patton and Bradley. So, you're very wrong in your assessment of Eisenhower.
I B Hankering's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
Pre-eminent author-historian Stephen Ambrose noted and wrote that perhaps no other general -- British or American -- could have worked as well with both the pugnacious Churchill and FDR while harnessing and directing the genius talents of three prima donna generals such as Montgomery, Patton and Bradley. So, you're very wrong in your assessment of Eisenhower. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He also had to deal with the biggest prima donna asshole of them all - de Gaulle - who demanded a say in everything on behalf of the surrender monkeys on French soil waiting for us to liberate them.