There is always a demand for amps, its like the war on drugs you aint doing shit.
Basic fundamentals of supply and demand, i mean if you close one, one may pop out somewhere else, it might change or go underground a bit, but a similar service will always be available
Originally Posted by phantom11
Don't speak so fast. Look at what happened to Houston. Just as good and some would even say even better than Dallas in the strip clubs if not the amp scene. Now? Someone would have to pay me to go to a strip club in Houston and the amps are not even what you would consider a real amp but just barely better than a suburban amp. Don't underestimate the bible thumping religion should be the basis of law types, they love to get laws passed and people elected that will in the name of business and cleaning things up will shut stuff down. Houston is a crazy, ghetto wheels off city that you would expect fun, wild SCs and AMPs everywhere. Not anymore.