I am not confused at all. I remember exactly who it was that came to my home and robbed me while I was in the shower!!!! Who wouldn’t!!! I had just started here and had no encounters. Thius She clearly thought I would not start out with such a review like this. I tend not to review the bad experiences anyways! However, This was pretty shocking! Only funny thing is that I ran outside in my bday suit & shower towel only to the sound of her pos red mustang with no muffler driving off and she nearly ran me over in the street too!! LolI am not a white knight. I try not to give opinions. I am trying to be fair to you: you may be confused. Whoevery the lady was that you saw, we are all sorry for your experience: thank you for reporting the problem.
Maybe jr can report back with an official height and weight!
staff edit-S31
I believe that that type of statement is in violation of the rules.
Be careful boys! Originally Posted by Sexytime4u
Just the facts:
- The Lacy816 I know is much different than the Lacy you have reported here.
- Your discription of the lady does not match what I know to be a fact.
- She has over 80 reviews without a single negative.
- She had a find set of teeth when I saw her, and she was very careful with them when she gave me a very nice BBBJ.