Encounter: Seeing Lacey816

JRLawrence's Avatar
I am not confused at all. I remember exactly who it was that came to my home and robbed me while I was in the shower!!!! Who wouldn’t!!! I had just started here and had no encounters. Thius She clearly thought I would not start out with such a review like this. I tend not to review the bad experiences anyways! However, This was pretty shocking! Only funny thing is that I ran outside in my bday suit & shower towel only to the sound of her pos red mustang with no muffler driving off and she nearly ran me over in the street too!! Lol
Maybe jr can report back with an official height and weight!

staff edit-S31

I believe that that type of statement is in violation of the rules.

Be careful boys! Originally Posted by Sexytime4u
I am not a white knight. I try not to give opinions. I am trying to be fair to you: you may be confused. Whoevery the lady was that you saw, we are all sorry for your experience: thank you for reporting the problem.

Just the facts:
  • The Lacy816 I know is much different than the Lacy you have reported here.
  • Your discription of the lady does not match what I know to be a fact.
  • She has over 80 reviews without a single negative.
  • She had a find set of teeth when I saw her, and she was very careful with them when she gave me a very nice BBBJ.
Also, I doubt she would do a cash and dash.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Thanks for the report. Ignore the WK's. They weren't there. Just because the experience may have been different for them doesn't mean what was reported here didn't happen.

JR, you weren't there,

Of course, I wasn't there. None of us were.

so your statement is irrelevant here. Originally Posted by Fsn57
My statement is extremely relevant because I have not questioned his experience. What has been questioned is his statements where he described the physical appearance of the woman.

His description of Lacey is not the description of Lacey816. Lacey816 has teeth. She is not the woman he described. That is the problem with his statements. Please note that his experience was not questioned.

I was not the only one who questioned if he had the right woman.

Jumping in and calling one a WK ignores what has been questioned which makes the WK stuff irrivalent.

So, in conclusion: unless Lacey816 has lost her teeth since I last time saw her (unlikely). The statements that she did this horrible thing are still questioned.

Unless someone can prove that Lacey816 has lost her teeth. We have proved that this accusation against her is wrong, and intentional. It should be delt with as an attack on a respected member of the community.
JR it’s sure funny to me how you call me a liar and defend her, as u look to be her only repeat! You sure did twist and turn my words and try putting me under the bus! Did u ever see that old red mustang? it had no interior lining or door panels covers. It was a stick shift as she shifted gears and drove it right at me in my towel as she left!!!
JR can u Please report back to us on how many teeth are missing? Of course she had some!
The real fact is it happened to me this holiday weekend one year ago! Y’all are welcome and warned!
Happy 4th of July!
JRLawrence's Avatar
The purpose of my comments were not to defend her. The purpose of my comments were to point out the errors of you discriptions of the woman you met one year ago.

Your discriptions makes the remainder of your comments questionable because we can not agree with everything that is said.

I do believe that you are highly excited about what you say happened to you a year ago. I had no idea about what type of car she drives: it is not relevant to this discussion.

Back to the beginning of this comment: The only thing that matters is that you got the discription wrong. That is what makes us question the fairness of your statements.

Perhaps, you are just so angry, or emotional, that the some of the discriptions of the woman you met with were exaggerated. The idea that you would take a shower and leave a person you did not know alone in your house is interesting: it is also not understood. Why would you do that?

I have a problem accepting statements that are unfair, inaccurate, or incomplete for a hidden reason. If all the statements you made about her pictures, size, and teeth are accurate; something is missing. Keep in mind, he pictures do not show her face: yes she is older, a lot of ladies are.

Don't bring up the White Knight thing to cover up the problems with your own statements.

I did not use the word lier. We do not, and can not, know if your comments are a lie. We do know that some things you say are incompatible with a few of the facts we know to be true. Thus, we have asked if you have commeted on the correct lady.
Cook Cook's Avatar
This is pretty funny, keep it up fellas. Type your essays at each other, it isn't gonna make any party feel better and it certainly isn't a good use of time considering a good portion of yall are old men lol.
JRLawrence's Avatar
This is pretty funny, keep it up fellas. Type your essays at each other, it isn't gonna make any party feel better and it certainly isn't a good use of time considering a good portion of yall are old men lol. Originally Posted by Cook Cook
Very good Cook Cook. It is very funny. I can type faster than most, and I get a funny kind of pleasure just pointing out the nonsence that some people put out.

I am done with this, because I have to shut down the computer and do something else.
I'm mainly interested in the allegation of a rob and run because, based on her pics, I'd love to hit that ass. Even if it is a little more plush.
Love me some pawg.
I'm mainly interested in the allegation of a rob and run because, based on her pics, I'd love to hit that ass. Even if it is a little more plush.
Love me some pawg. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
I was thinking exactly the same thing.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. Originally Posted by Kshunter
Great minds think alike.
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 07-06-2019, 07:27 PM
Also, I doubt she would do a cash and dash. Originally Posted by jm7501
LOL, based upon what? That it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it didn't happen to someone else. Keep in mind, its the job of the provider is to be a professional at deception.