Encounter: Foxy is a NO for me at Blue

KooGuy's Avatar
You sure have a lot to say about Blue and have a lot of knowledge about the spa's for not having an agenda. I mean come on buddy who PM's members and tells them to avoid a spa unless it's a mandle or promoter or you're just being dramatic.

I think most ppl on this board see there are 2 groups of mandle/promoter from Blue and Luxury.....you just joined but you're anti-blue post on just this thread aren't helping you're creditability.

How about everyone faking the funk just take a step back and let this board get back to real reviews....too much to ask? Originally Posted by txcasper
Mr Casper what kind of knowledge ??
The kind where I write a review of CiCi and I get pummeled and harass for writing a fake review ? Or the knowledge that you have a crystal ball. You know that I didn’t get pm’s to not go to blue spa. Because I just became a member ?
How long does it take for a person to read between the lines ? Y’all here in this forum really think y’all are special like y’all are the shit. Like y’all own or run the amps in Dallas And y’all think y’all run this forum. ( not all the guys ) I have had
A few good guys tell me how it is here.
Anyway. Y’all don’t run shit. You think the amps rely on your reviews ? You think
If eccie didn’t have a forum on here the ladies and amps would go out of business ?? Don’t be fucking stupid. Amps have been here for years. Way before reviews sites were used. They were always busy.
But I can see the bull that goes on
Like I said in another post. If your going to promote. Promote a provider. For her looks and service etc... Don’t promote a spa. You’re just a piece of shit when you do this. What’s worse is when these promoters write these reviews
Yes she’s amazing and I bbfs her etc. I bet the promoter do’s this even bbfs the provider. I bet he even gets a cbj. So he’ll protect his ass. But don’t give a fuck about your safety. Fuck that shit. Also the shills will pounce on a NO. REVIEW
faster than Hillary can say Prison Time. And will try to make a new member or any member for that matter. And what does that mean your “ credibility “ there is
NO credibility on the net. I could have all fake reviews or I could lie about anything I want. Do be so stupid. “ credibility “ fuck outta here with that shit.
I requested my account to be deleted when I got attacked in my first review. It was CiCi review. Some of the guys said hang in there. So I changed my mind.
Whoever is faking reviews and promoting. They know who they are. Y’all are some lowlife scum of the earth. Not for lying or promoting. But bashing and attacking people is fucking childish. Grow up and grow some balls. Be a fucking man. I truly can’t believe how this stupidity is so profound on this forum.
If these promoters do what they do and get no reprimand I assume they have an interest or there is no rules being enforced. It’s very simple.
I mean simple. Enforce the fucking rule.


Anyway I’m just the new guy that knows to much too fast. Lmao
It is odd how some people think it's impossible to have a bad time at Blue, that you're lying if you didn't leave the place floating on air. I typically do leave Blue drained and totally happy. Foxy was the first time I wrapped a session up early (and finished myself off to boot) due to the girl being sub-par. Attacking people for being honest when they've had a bad experience defeats the purpose of this forum.
I believe everybody knows it is possible to have a bad time there like anywhere. Anybody can have a bad day. But I believe the reviewer and the others who have had a sub-par experience with her. She sounds YMMV and too young for me to boot!
JamesDeen's Avatar
Maybe she is better for younger guys like me.
There's a lot of ego around here. Let's get back to credible intel on the ladies.
I find it very useful to know who is most comfortable with older and who is most comfortable with younger men. I need a woman with patience and a slow hand. A smile and an easy touch. Who won't come and go in a heated rush.
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 07-10-2019, 11:07 AM
Why do we have so many newbs who joined after May 2019 in threads about Blue?