Is this what Marshall and ilk are after?

Only conservatives have my permission to click on the link and read the articles.....

I will personally bitch-slap any liberal who clicks on this link and reads it.....

Sa_artman's Avatar
I will personally bitch-slap any liberal who clicks on this link and reads it.....

Originally Posted by Marshall
Your too spineless to even try it.

You're a coward hiding behind extremist rhetoric. I bet you downloaded Breivik's manifesto and are probably getting it tattooed on your ass so while your getting fucked, liberals would be forced to read it.
Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! Ha!
Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha !Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha !Ha!
Well, two good things have come out of this thread:

(1) I put Marshall on ignore after he ran from my first post refuting his cut and paste masterpiece and deleted his nonsensical reply.

(2) I see there are intelligent people who realize that the right is out of control.

There are plenty of right wing crazies out their who will do the bidding of the Hate Radio Guys and the TeaVangelists.

The death and destruction at that AZ supermarket and all the other militia madness just makes me want to ask a Righty, "would Jesus bring a Glock to Bible Study?"

Hell, I saw some Tee Party "Patriot" wearing a gun near where Obama was going to speak in AZ last year. If that had been during the Bush/Cheney Monarchy, Dick woulda had that guy at Gitmo before sundown!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
...The death and destruction at that AZ supermarket and all the other militia madness just makes me want to ask a Righty, "would Jesus bring a Glock to Bible Study?"... Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Socialism is socialism, it's not advocated by anyone that I know espousing conservatism. I can only guess that you believe that all of the right is Nazi-like because of Prescott Bush, if that's the case you would be wrong, Smedley Butler was a hero in regards to that "Plot." And some wolves do wear sheeps clothing, metaphorically of course. But then again you should know that considering your stance on Ike.

The only people saying anything like that are the left-wing bloggers who only wish that Loughner was a right-wing nut. According to his acquaintences he hated right-wing radio. But when a person in the administration claims Mao as her favorite philosophers, that's a whole new can of worms. Who was Loughner? Blaming the religious right doesn't work when he was a self-professed aetheist.
On his YouTube page, he listed among his favorite books "Animal Farm" and "Brave New World" - two novels about how authorities control the masses. Other books in the wide-ranging list included "Mein Kampf," "The Communist Manifesto," "Peter Pan" and Aesop's Fables.

An ardent atheist, he began to characterize people as sheep whose free will was being sapped by the government and the monotony of modern life.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Here's an excellent article that draws some parallels between Norway, the TeaNuts, and the current Republican effort to ruin the credit of the government. Well worth reading.
Funny, not one commmunist lib dared click on the link....some whined, but they were all afraid.....
Ha. Shows just how ignorant the left is regarding economic issues....what is destroying the credit of the government is the government's over spending and inability to pay back debt ! Increasing the debt ceiling continues the downward cycle of America. If the spending isn't cut; we will soon be worse off than Greece !

The Tea Party has it right; America needs to live within its means and with a balanced budget ! But the Democrats haven't passed a budget in two years. And they oppose all efforts to spend only what the government collects. Instead, they want to continue borrowing from the Chinese - America now borrows 42-cents of every dollar we spend !

Here's an excellent article that draws some parallels between Norway, the TeaNuts, and the current Republican effort to ruin the credit of the government. Well worth reading. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ha. Shows just how ignorant the left is regarding economic issues....what is destroying the credit of the government is the government's over spending and inability to pay back debt ! Increasing the debt ceiling continues the downward cycle of America. If the spending isn't cut; we will soon be worse off than Greece ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
the rating agency already said that a down-grade may happen even if the debt ceiling is raised....when democrat party had House, Senate and presidency, Harry Reid refused to raise the debt ceiling because he didn't want to do it until such time as they could blame the Republicans......these liberals are marx cultists, you cannot change their brain-washing......they are good at lying, distorting and manipulating, but not arguing......
Sa_artman's Avatar
the rating agency already said that a down-grade may happen even if the debt ceiling is raised.......these liberals are marxist cultists, you cannot change their brain-washing......they are good at lying, distorting and manipulating, but not arguing...... Originally Posted by Marshall
We call you out as a right wing anti-American extremist and that's the best you got? Go join your brethren in Norway you freaking terrorist. You going to suck your thumb and take your toys home?

There is no hell. And sometimes that's unfortunate. Originally Posted by Doove

Yes there is...lmao

It is right here on earth!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, two good things have come out of this thread: Originally Posted by Little Stevie

(1) I put Marshall on ignore after he ran from my first post refuting his cut and paste masterpiece and deleted his nonsensical reply.

(2) I see there are intelligent people who realize that the right is out of control.

There are plenty of right wing crazies out their who will do the bidding of the Hate Radio Guys and the TeaVangelists.

The death and destruction at that AZ supermarket You’re projecting! and all the other militia madness just makes me want to ask a Righty, "would Jesus bring a Glock to Bible Study?"

Hell, I saw some Tee Party "Patriot" wearing a gun near where Obama was going to speak in AZ last year. If that had been during the Bush/Cheney Monarchy, Dick woulda had that guy at Gitmo before sundown! Originally Posted by Little Stevie

Jared Lee Loughner (a “left-wing pot head” and self-professed atheist), the “DC Sniper,” Nadal Hasan, Faisal Shahzad, Yonathan Melaku, Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, and Walli Mujahidh are a few examples of some recent American terrorists who do not fit your neat little description. There are scores of others . . . something like sixty to seventy in the past two years.

And Little Stevie, you neglected to mention Obama’s personal friends, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, formerly of the infamous terrorist group known as the Weather Underground Organization (WUO). They conspired to kill a few people in their day.

You also forgot to mention militant leftist organizations like the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) and the Black Panthers, a militant group which espoused socialist and communist (largely Maoist) doctrines. Perhaps, like Obama’s DOJ, you forgot about that little voter intimidation incident in Philadelphia in 2008.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
For those that project your ideology on this situation, it would be nice that you read the manifesto before you made accusations where you believe the Norweigian terrorst is right wing. Any right wing Christian would know that Nietzsche was calling Christians insane for the blind faith.

This flaw was identified by the brilliant German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who described it as “an inversion of morality” whereby the weak, the poor, the meek, the oppressed and the wretched are virtuous and blessed by God whereas the strong, the wealthy, the noble and the powerful are the immoral and damned by the vengeful almighty Yahweh for eternity.
Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers -already, you see, the world had already fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing Christianity!
I’m not going to pretend I’m a very religious person as that would be a lie.
Reading his manifesto reads like a left-wing blog.