Great guy but a hectic job schedule
Wait...ladies don’t like unsolicited dic pics!? I may have to reconsider my game.
Honestly I just don’t think the ladies appreciate the effort and art that goes into the production. So many things to consider, lighting, environment, mood....what is my cock trying to say at the moment? Is it a hope to see you soon dic pic, a sorry for your loss dic pic, or just a hope you’re having a great day dic pic?
Poor cockster is just misunderstood, although I will say if you have to proclaim that you are a great guy, the greatness is just out of reach, but there is still hope that things can be turned around!
Unsolicited tip for whomever may care: Really what has worked for me (surprisingly more than a dic pic with an accompanying, “I want to take you to poundtown on my fucktruck”) is send references, make an appointment, show up, pay. Repeat if desired. Sure, there are times when cancellations and rescheduling is required, but in most cases the ladies I’ve dealt with have been pretty understanding taking to heart as cockster says, this should be fun (assuming respect for time and effort goes both ways). Simple recipe that makes things easy.
Then again, what the fuck do I know, I’m just bored and wasting time, I should get back to work...on the other hand, I have been meaning to experiment with my sepia filter, going for a throwback dic pic motif, dic pic of yore, if you please. Lucky ladies stay tuned!
That Yazmin girl is a complete liar.Its really ashamed of her to make such a comment thats untrue. No hate here thou. To many nice ladies on here to deal with her shenanigans.
Caution - Self-Screening in Progress!!
^^^What he said^^^
I'd think if a Hobbyist thinks they are getting the cold shoulder on trying to contact Providers, they should reach out to one they see often and see if they can enlighten the gent to see what is happening.
That way they could find out without having to let everyone know what it is.
Cockster12 with all due Respect Sir.......YOU ARE SOOOOO FULL OF SH*T! Since I first met you back in 2015’ under a Previous Handle its been nonstop BULLSHIT! I still have all your text messages and I mean ALL of them to prove it. I’d be delighted to refresh your memory if you like🤣
But alrighty then just had to get that off my chest. Rant over have a Good Day💋
Fair warning before this gets out of hand.Think before you let your emotions get the best of you and say something that will get you points or worse.
First off all we've all made mistakes before and we are all adults and this should be fun things for all of us to enjoy. So slinging mud does not help. If ive offended anyone ladies or gents i do apologize. Lets move on from this and have lots of fun. Afterall i am a fun guy to play with.Hope to all you lovely ladies soon
You are absolutely Correct we all make mistakes nobody is perfect but part of that is learning from them so as to not repeat those same mistakes. Maybe if you actually show up to the appointments you schedule then ALL Parties would have Fun. Right? Lol😆 Just saying it takes 2 to tango bby. I like having Fun Lots of Fun actually. So with that being said moving Forward now its been a while only 4 years since you went mIA we should catch up some. Let me know when your Ready to come Hang out🥰
Thanks for the kind words Rose im actually in a condo in the Stoneoak area.Ill send you a text
Daaaaaaw, Cockster and Rose sittin’ in a tree....nice to see things end happily, get out of here you crazy kids and have some fun.
Thanks Austin we should hook up and ill buy you a lemonade. Your my kinda cool dude.We should hook up and take a few gals to
Lol, well we are Fam, at least eskimo brothers through Sia. I’ll put you on the list of folks I’m going to meet from this site, but I’ll warn you the list is long and priority goes to innies not outies.
Besides, the lovelies that know me well enough know that I am literally a lazy fuck and I don’t take them to Poundtown, but instead prefer to be ridden into Moanville.
- Mokoa
- 08-03-2019, 03:47 AM
Caution - Self-Screening in Progress!!
Originally Posted by OldYeller
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
Posts and other data communicated in other ways are just as effective as
screening tools as any other.
Lmao!!! I always enjoy swwaustin’s stimulating banter. Can definitely learn a thing or two from him.
My part: he’s reached out to me a couple of occasions and was never gross or pervy. I am in no way downplaying the ladies that spoke up. Good for you! Even a few personal friends told me the same so I believe it. But did feel I had to say, nothing bad came out of his emails ... he did keep insisting for my number but one of my rules is email only after I replied w that a second time he never replied back.
So, nothing weird other than he stopped trying after I said no to my phone number. But yea, def side w the ladies on the rated X introductions leading with a request. Just not my forté.
Kudos to the ladies that atleast informed him of WHY. AND kudos to him for putting himself out there and learning a thing or two in the process.
Proof of Growth my man. Growth. ....metaphorically. Not literally. Lmao.