Mass Shooting in El Paso,TX ..20 Dead,26 Injured

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
This dumbass murderer did not resist arrest. "arrested without incident" are the exact words from the El Paso Police Sgt. Robert Gomez. Maybe if the other dumbasses you are crying about would not resist, law enforcement would not need escalate their efforts to apprehend. You saying that latino El Paso Police Sgt. Robert Gomez discriminates against black perpetrators over white perpetrators and you are wrong.

It is not the President it is the media. The media slants a narrative that it believes will draw ratings. Weak minded individuals are influenced by this and act out. I do agree though these guys are definitely cowards. Originally Posted by kaoticlife
Another nutcase incited by AOC and the socialist liberal media. The hate and lies spewed by the left wing wack jobs are creating racial bigotry and warfare and brainwashing the weak and ignorant.

It's got to be a horrible sick feeling to lose a loved one in a tragedy like this.

That dude should be made to suffer in the worst of ways. Both of them, from both shootings. Scumbags of humanity. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
A horrible crime. He will get his. Sadly, liberals will try to capitalize the slain for power and finacial gain when instead they should let these families grieve.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So Philando Castillo, Tamir Rice, and countless other unarmed and complying non resisting citizens are dead for what? Go take that false mess and peddle it to some uninformed and uneducated Trump supporter. I'm not the one for it.

They always look to treat white armed and violent perps with dignity and respect irregardless of how many people they slaughter
My turn
Please continue to give the details of a story that fits your narrative, instead of the whole story.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So Philando Castillo, Tamir Rice, and countless other unarmed and complying non resisting citizens are dead for what? Go take that false mess and peddle it to some uninformed and uneducated Trump supporter. I'm not the one for it.

They always look to treat white armed and violent perps with dignity and respect irregardless of how many people they slaughter Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
My turn
Please continue to give the details of a story that fits your narrative, instead of the whole story. Originally Posted by kaoticlife
The problem you have and the fatal flaw in your reasoning is 5 fold.

1.) I'm not here to condone wrong doing no matter who it's coming from. So fail attempt on your part to justify Trump's violent rhetoric

2.) You cite a lone single example from Maxine Waters when I presented to you at least a dozen separate instances from Trump

3.) Maxine waters lone bad example notwithstanding is a senator whereas Trump is the President with at least 12 examples of encouraging violence...and demonizing people of other Faith's and ethnic backgrounds.

4.) Trump refusing to address white supremacy and white domestic terrorism but instead encouraging it and remaining complicit in it.

5.) The guy left a manifesto that he says was inspired by Trump. What more proof do you need. Trump is breeding terrorists. He has blood on his hands
Excessive force, which is subjective interpretation, is sometimes used on all Races. Only a racist person believes that is used specifically against a particular race.

Liberals and socialists breed Warfare. They create dissent and caused mass killings.
1st you showed edited instances of Trump comments.
2nd the manifesto spoke against dems and repubs but was inspired by the Christchurch shooter in New Zealand.
3rd we all know that white supremacists are inbred pieces of shit but, they have a constitutional right to be that way. When they get their approval to march and another group shows up to confront them with weapons what do you think is going to happen?
4th white supremacists are just like BLM one is extreme right and the other extreme left.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Liberals and socialists breed Warfare. They create dissent and caused mass killings. Originally Posted by Eidolon
Even though its disgusting at least your honest in defending this mass murderer and justifying his actions. Now everyone knows where you stand. Unbelievable
I think we can all agree that in instances like this, the protection of cruel and unusual punishment should be waived.
I defend no mass murderer. He was a living piece of shit. He did a horrible thing. He will be killed in prison or die by the Texas State Death penalty it's some point after a long and exhausted appeal process..

You're jumping on blaming Trump, that orange little monkey had nothing to do with what this idiot did.

But the polarizing hate that you spew it's part of the problem. You are pro mass murder. You really enjoy that this happened. You enjoy the little box that you think it gives you to stand up on and spew more of your baiting hate.

You want to murder unborn babies, and then you want to let people like this man avoid a death penalty for his crimes.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I think we can all agree that in instances like this, the protection of cruel and unusual punishment should be waived. Originally Posted by kaoticlife
Not the cistern latrine liberals, they want to murder unborn babies while they release this murderer back into Society because he was feeling emotional that day.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Part of the Killer's manifesto. The world knows Trump is to blame...he demonizes immigrants every chance he gets...and this guys reaction is a result. The killer says this from his manifesto:

At one point in the manifesto, he suggests that he intended to avoid targeting white people: “I can’t bring myself to kill my fellow Americans.”
Though he described his sympathy for Republicans, he attempted to stave off any attempts to blame Donald Trump’s eliminationist rhetoric for inspiring his terrorism with a disclaimer of sorts:

My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I [am] putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.
So after just murdering and maiming dozens of people do you really believe what he says when he says Trump didn't inspire him? You believe this killer? The fact that Trumps name is even mentioned in this manifesto is a huge indictment. It speaks volumes and the fact he can even rationalize this in the context of the media only proves he's not mentally ill but rather a deliberate conscious decision in the name of Trump.
Russ38's Avatar
You really enjoy that this happened. Originally Posted by Eidolon
Yes they really do love this shit....jerking off and salivating like rabid animals....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ Typical MO of Trump supporter in denial.
Russ38's Avatar
I support no one but myself and my own beliefs.....haven’t we had this convo in the past Sis....