Is intellect of any value anymore?

Not a member of MENSA. But I do hold an MBA. And had a great GPA. As for intelligence on eccie. I have met some hobbyist who were and some who were not. I connected better with those that were. The ability actually hold a conversation is attractive and the ability to hold an intelligent one is hot as hell and a great turn on! As for providers I am not sure. I read posts in forums and I watch in chat and I have often wondered if they just play dumb because some men are attracted to that or if they seriously have not a clue.
I'm a smatass! Does that count?
I work in intel, and let me say those are some of the STUPIDEST smart people I've ever worked with. Holy shit. And boring. Playing WoW and CoD all night. And they wonder why I never want to hang out in the barracks.

But, I'm not as smart as I like to think I am (just a short quiz)
only 22 right :-/
setman's Avatar
The mind is the sexiest organ of all...

Enjoy yourself, stay safe, be cool.

Setty (SouthSide)

LOL I was just thinking almost the same thing lil red.

What will being intelligent do for you?

That and $ 1.25 and you might be able to buy a coke.

Intelligence is cool if you know what to do with it.

Hopefully, as has been said - we as providers can use our smarts to bring more to the table for our clients.

Too often I have seen intelligent people putting their brains to work on the wrong things.

Determination, good intuition, ethics, organization and wherewithal are important too - and may be extremely important for ladies in this profession. I doubt these qualities are at the top of any of the guys' lists.
The mind is the sexiest organ of all...

Enjoy yourself, stay safe, be cool.

Setty (SouthSide)

Originally Posted by setman
love this.
Still Looking's Avatar
The best ladies are a combination of personality, intelligence, attitude, and looks. I don't think intelligence is the most important part of the mix, but neither is is the least. All else being equal more intelligent is better. Originally Posted by Old-T
thanks for all the insight folks!
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Looks, personality, attitude, all important. But the ability to hold an interesting and intelligent conversation is also critical. In fact, the stereotypical "beautiful dumb blond" does little or nothing for me. (And for those stereotypical types, I did not say all blonds are dumb!) I like/expect good conversation -- I would not see someone a second time if that were lacking, and yes, that does include members of the Swedish bikini team. (Well, at least individually. I may have to make an exception for the entire team.) As for the smart asses, I find the ability to engage in that type of word play to be quite related to intelligence. In fact my ATF is quite the smart ass...and she well knows it.
Mojojo's Avatar
To me intellect is extremely important! Its actually the thing that catches my attention the most about a woman. For example before checking out her showcase, I noticed Angelina Adams well articulated postings. I knew immediately she was someone I had to meet. When I actually met her I was and am still not disappointed, her gorgeous looks and intellect compliment each other.

Outside the hobby I've met chicks who's intellect really captivate my attention and leave me wanting to know more.... In other words, they got game!
So yes intellect is of value to me, it counts for a big percentage of what I look for in a woman. I want someone who can stimulate my mind as well my uhhhh
Mojojo's Avatar
Civie or hobby guy?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
My good buddy sixx
ammonite's Avatar
Intelligence and intellect are imortant to me.
It's really best when it goes with a sharp, funny, quick wit. That's when I'll click with a lady.
  • LynnT
  • 07-29-2011, 12:35 PM
Good conversation between 2 intelligent people can be super sexy and a complete aphrodisiac. For me anyways.
burkalini's Avatar
I reely lik it wen 2 smert peeplse get toogeter. its dem dum peeples i caant stande. Da last gurl kep talkn abowt sum guy naimed franklyn and he wernt evan dere. Wat a dum gurl.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Intellect is a positive, but for this particular thing we do, I'd say it rates well behind appearance, service, and attitude.
pyramider's Avatar
Intellect is always important. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It depends on if the intellect is used for good or evil. I know some really intelligent women that are just batshit crazy.